Whats going on with Jupiter moon Amalthea? Looks Like Deathstar, UFO Sighting News.


Date of Photo: 1979 

Location of sighting: Jupiter moon Amalthea

Source: keeping secret for now…still exploring it. 

Guys I was looking through that old NASA index…you know the one I found a few days ago, but can’t share the URL, because I just don’t want NASA to scrub them from the net, as they often do. Anyways, I found this unique photo, which is grouped with Jupiters moon Amalthea. I can’t say this is Amalthea, it doesnt look like it, but there was only several photos of it, and none looked like this. I will include a few below to compare and contrast. This moon Amalthea looks like it is a space station. Similar to that of the DeathStar in Star Wars. This is 100% alien technology in my eyes. I just don’t see a moon in that photo. Perhaps something passed by like a satellite or rocket ejected module, but one thing is for sure, thats no moon in that photo. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

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