Strange Weather

What Could THOUSANDS of Mysterious Whales Tell Us About Our Weather?

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The Arctic is experiencing global warming much faster than the rest of the world. A new study shows four times faster, in fact! One of the effects of this accelerated warming is the melting sea ice in the Arctic. And researchers off the southeast coast of Greenland have started to notice some surprising and alarming new guests.

A variety of exotic marine life have begun to move in, now able to live in the warmer waters. And while this may serve as a boon to some of the inhabitants of the region and its fishing economy, it also signals profound and likely permanent ecosystem changes and points toward the kinds of tipping points we may see if we continue emitting greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Tune into this episode of Weathered to learn about what some of the unexpected consequences might be from the warming Arctic to our jetstream and our Weather.

Weathered is a show hosted by weather expert Maiya May and produced by Balance Media that helps explain the most common natural disasters, what causes them, how they’re changing, and what we can do to prepare.

This episode of Weathered is licensed exclusively to YouTube.

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@kevinbrowndc August 10, 2023 at 4:10 pm

Whales follow food. So this is an indicator of change in ecology.

@sinjofin1 August 14, 2023 at 11:37 am

My view is that there are several factors at play and we dont yet understand d their interelatedness, SEA ICT is one jet stream, another

@bernadettedunn6129 August 15, 2023 at 7:27 am

The time to worry is past. We have to act. We are destroying the earth and all of her life sustaining gifts are being trashed.-

@t9358 August 15, 2023 at 12:29 pm

look into the sun, Earth revolves around it. Might be a connection.

@acevers August 17, 2023 at 4:33 pm

God's world is always changing and always has. Science can do nothing. Adapt and Pray as we always have.

@daniadejonghe4980 August 20, 2023 at 10:50 pm

Would it be possible to have sun shades, like the Webb technology, in or above the stratosphere in some sort of stationary orbits that would deflect part of the sun absorbsion that goes on over the Arctic? Just to deminish it enough to slow down the heating — giving us time to figure out fixes?

@williamrbuchanan4153 August 21, 2023 at 12:26 pm

Statement of Big waves in sea ice. Could only come from Earth axis wobble to North, stop, Start South and stop. As a spinning planet, out of balance by humanities moving , billions of tonnes of ores from South to North. . Heavy top and spinning, is natural wobble of centre of Gravity of any mass in rotation. Tilt also exposes mor surfaces to solar heat, and cold night -270 c . Higher ratio deference. Cold attracted by heat. From where . Solar seems to be our only answer.

@starcrib August 27, 2023 at 6:20 pm

πŸŸ₯🚨πŸŸ₯ Next on the Menu: Human Habitat Loss- Managed Retreat, ( if that's even possible anymore. This is Planetary Hospice. Irreversible abrupt climate change is already here. πŸŸ₯🚨πŸŸ₯

@Thumpermad August 28, 2023 at 1:21 am

Hi Guys
This perspective was taken from the Southern side of the world namely Sydney East Coast of Australia. We have just witnessed an extremely mild winter and as of August end we seem to be slipping into Spring quite rapidly we are still experiencing chilly nights but the days seem to be warmer at times than usual. Having seen what's happening in the Northern hemisphere it's not looking good for us down here as far as heatwaves are concerned anyway as far as my understanding goes we are coming like it or not into an anti glacial period as the final leftover glaciers are melting from the last ice age and with the predicted Sea level rise we in particular aren't looking good as I think 90% of the population lives on the Coast East of the Great Dividing Range Unbelievable and I think most of the world is in the same boat or will be 😒 it's a pretty bleak future and no amount of greenhouse reduction is going to save us and probably never would have the 2nd world war saw to that …. we have a 9M tidal difference on the west coast of Australia it's an extremely scary thought that this will be our future but unfortunately you only need to to look where the inland seas once were to get a handle on the situation at hand thankfully it probably won't take place in my lifetime. Take Care everyone and move to the Hills πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

@woodchipgardens9084 September 2, 2023 at 7:11 am

Why is it that climate alarmist never talk about years 536, 540, 1817 and 1886,

@woodchipgardens9084 September 2, 2023 at 8:29 am The video descriptions above states 15 whale species in Greenland 9 years ago, dont be gullible this man is lying to you.

@Comin_at_U_Live September 3, 2023 at 3:02 pm

Temperatures are NOT rising and neither are the oceans rising.. #stoplying

@christoperun4380 September 6, 2023 at 5:01 pm

Weakening magnetosphere (right on schedule), results in degradation of the ozone layer particularly at the north pole, allowing more solar and cosmic radiation in and melting the ice.
This will eventually result in the stalling of the North Atlantic current, and actually will plunge us into another ice age, this has all happened before and is known. However you can't exploit a cyclical magnetic excursion for power control and money, so there's a different narrative being pushed…
AND… There is GREAT SHAME in not knowing BASIC GEOGRAPHY!!

@NicholasNerios September 13, 2023 at 12:54 am

Fantastic presentation.

@andrewbrass5476 September 20, 2023 at 12:07 pm

Surely the whales have just moved into places where there is more food for them. Less ice means more sun hitting the water – so more plankton, and so on up the food chain?

@logank444 September 23, 2023 at 12:39 pm

I was raised in northern Michigan and played outside all day for years. Never did i see a tick. When i was up there in July my buddy said ticks are everywhere. We went swimming and I found one on his back πŸ˜‚. They have infested Michigan due to the milder winters

@DirkMcLovin September 24, 2023 at 4:33 am

After doing the research I was surprised to find out the roots of the story of Chicken Little actually dates back at least 25 centuries. That means that we have believed that we are at "the tipping point nearly 3 millennia and been wrong nearly 3 millennia? hmmm….

@justincloudy September 26, 2023 at 4:43 am

So with the artic ecosystem shrinking, I wonder what will happen to the polar bear population? Even though it's shrinking it's bringing life closer so do you think that eventual overabundance of aquatic life in an Atlantic Artic would lead to a boom in polar bear population? Or would the current population not change by much and be able to thin the herd?

@johnnunez6940 September 26, 2023 at 11:46 pm

They moving up there cause less government pollution

@woodchipgardens9084 October 3, 2023 at 4:47 pm

Humbacks have been there over 15 years this is just a lie, 15 species have always been there because go figure whales like Greenland.

@johnhoon7069 November 17, 2023 at 4:52 pm

We passed the tipping point it's time to adapt

@williamklassen1733 December 4, 2023 at 2:21 pm

Manitoba Canada , i see hotter summers and in dec 2023 have very little snow inches where we once had feet of snow so yeh i see a change i am 65 and it start when i was a teen change that is in the weather .

@kyleb3754 December 10, 2023 at 8:01 pm

"The Arctic is experiencing global warming much faster than the rest of the world" And, after reading about 86 different countries who are ALL "warming much faster than the rest of the world", I can only conclude that the entire world is warming much faster than the rest of the world. Also, I conclude that everyone who has a voice on TV or Youtube is a liar.

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