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Tobias Givens September 2, 2020 at 8:53 pm


sxnrio October 1, 2020 at 4:56 am

That's crazy

Karrie Kenyon November 10, 2020 at 7:18 am

Weather modification, geo engineering control and make our westher. They have been for years! Look it up! This weather lately in the last 20 years is not by mother nature. Standing up to them could stop all this and save millions of lives. People dont wake up to whats really going on. Cant trust our weather man, westher channel cuz they are controlled not to tell the truth. The new world order is killing hundreds of thousands of people by the weather. Along with their bio weapons in the clouds….this is not the act of God or Doomsday End of the world, its the Population control of people. Learn to read a rador and find out yourself the real truth before you come at me not knowing what your talking about if you have a problum with what i said!!!!

indy_go_blue60 March 7, 2021 at 3:25 pm

As Goethe said, forget your history and you're doomed to repeat it. That fool in Lubbock TX would've known to stay in his car if he'd been even remotely aware of what the TX panhandle experienced during the Dust Bowl years; what he said about the dirt and wind was word for word what survivors had said not 100 years ago.

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