Comments on: Victorian Murder Mystery (The Strange Death of Mary Pradd of the London Nomads) Exploring The Unknown Sun, 11 Jun 2023 08:59:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Toshi yaar Sun, 11 Jun 2023 08:59:02 +0000 You truly do bring the past alive! Subscribed!

By: Luna~Umbra ✨ Fri, 02 Jun 2023 13:38:52 +0000 ]]> Great photographs. I think I would have preferred the travelling life to the lives of many families who had to endure cramped and unsanitory living conditions in industrialised cities, working in deplorable conditions just to pay the rent.
I'm not suggesting it would've been easy but at least they had fresh air and could move around to where there was work. 👍

By: mern shepherd Tue, 23 May 2023 14:07:32 +0000 Long live the Romnichal..

By: Brian O'Neil Tue, 23 May 2023 01:09:00 +0000 Splendid video! YouTube, you vex me with your contrary nature and pernicious insistence on denying me notification, but ye shall not thwart my enjoyment of this wonderful channel!

By: Miji Yoon Mon, 22 May 2023 22:48:46 +0000 ⭐⭐⭐⭐]]> ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

By: d c Mon, 22 May 2023 21:55:48 +0000 Good one – thanks

By: Olwyn. Mon, 22 May 2023 19:22:04 +0000 I have been following your channel for a long time now but I think this video has to be by far my favourite I have to admire the uniqness and story telling that the channel delivers, thank you ❤.]]> Hi Fact Feast ❤I have been following your channel for a long time now but I think this video has to be by far my favourite I have to admire the uniqness and story telling that the channel delivers, thank you ❤.

By: David Pitchford Mon, 22 May 2023 19:16:20 +0000 Women are victimized and oppressed by men. So please stay away from us. Thank you very much!

By: Caroline R Mon, 22 May 2023 16:51:12 +0000 <br>The drudgery of life would have aged anybody prematurely. I'm not sure how they coped without Ibuprofen for sore muscles and joints, etc, but they knew that being outside in the sunshine and fresh air was good medicine.<br>The travellers probably had better health than most in the cities at that time.<br><br>The severely scraped back hairstyles that women had then didn't flatter them in older age, unfortunately. <br>I'm so glad that wearing your hair out in this era is not considered an indicator of your moral character.😁<br>David Starkey said during his recent commentary of the Coronation, that Queen Elizabeth 1st had her golden hair loose on her Coronation Day, and was described as being "sat in her hair". She would have looked stunning, and magnificent.]]> A fascinating slice of life, thank you.
How great it is to have this treasury of biographical and social information, kept safe by previous generations.
I scrutinized your rich picture montage, as usual….
a woman of 55 years in those days was considered getting towards being elderly 😳
The drudgery of life would have aged anybody prematurely. I'm not sure how they coped without Ibuprofen for sore muscles and joints, etc, but they knew that being outside in the sunshine and fresh air was good medicine.
The travellers probably had better health than most in the cities at that time.

The severely scraped back hairstyles that women had then didn't flatter them in older age, unfortunately.
I'm so glad that wearing your hair out in this era is not considered an indicator of your moral character.😁
David Starkey said during his recent commentary of the Coronation, that Queen Elizabeth 1st had her golden hair loose on her Coronation Day, and was described as being "sat in her hair". She would have looked stunning, and magnificent.

By: KHATOON Mon, 22 May 2023 01:46:51 +0000 How are you doing sir thank you for your wonderful cultural documentary channel. Honestly with every new video I learn new information, new vocabularies. Nomads means person with no settled home , moving from place to place as way of obtaining foods , finding pasture to live stock or other wise making living as people who live in desert we call them Bedouin. I just know there are victorian cameras . John Thomason was Scottish photographer , traveler . He known for discovered electronic and than went on to propose model 1 for structure of atom . His work led to invention of spectrograph British Joseph John . He took picture with victim Mary before few weeks of her death .
