UFO Over Buckingham Palace During Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: June 2, 2022

Location of sighting: London, England

Check this out. During the Queens Platinum Jubilee, some military jets were used to spay the colors of the flag across the sky. Just as they shot past the location of the Queen, a white sphere craft moving incredibly fast shot across the smoke trail. Now of course it could be a drone and of course TV drones were there at the time, but look at the screenshot above. The object doesn’t look like a square drone. The object has a white color like many of the UFOs seen around the world. This was a very historical moment in Englands history so the chances that aliens would not be there…are very small. Of course such an event has to be recorded and shared among other alien worlds. All eyes are on Earth, lets not let them down. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

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