UFO Makes Trail, Dover, Delaware, Sept 10, 2021, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: September 10, 2021
Location of sighting: Dover, Delaware, USA
Source: MUFON 

This video was just reported this morning. A man and woman were standing outside enjoying the night sky when one of them noticed a dark slowly moving object at 7:15pm. In the recording we get to see the very slow movement of the UFO and we also see something rare…the UFO is making a little bit of cloud formation around it, however the cloud is forming a trail behind it since the UFO is moving and the UFO shield (energy) is not turned on so the cloud formation is not continued within it. Instead, the aliens made a mistake, and began moving before the shield was up, causing the cloud formation to break away into two long streaks behind it. Amazing and important capture. 100% proof that UFOs make clouds and 100% proof aliens do make mistakes. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: It was around 7:15 pm when my wife and I started to take a walk in our neighborhood. The sun was setting in the west with pink clouds in the distance. There was still blue sky left. That’s when I noticed what looked like a dark pink cloud by itself and out of place. I stopped to look at it and asked my wife if she saw it moving. She said yes. Then the cloud started to move slowly towards us and with a tail like a comet. Then it seem to turn away from us with 2 tails. It finally went from reddish to black then went into cloud cover and it was gone.



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