Transparent UFO Hovers Over Town All Day Long! Sherif Gets Involved, UFO Sighting News.



Now I just reported a similar transparent UFO over Indiana few days ago, and now its it Illinois? Wow, this thing is doing something out there over the farm states. Possibly scanning the farm animals to see how much the medicine and steroids injected into the farm animals will one day be injected by humans, thus having potential effects on humanity’s future and direction. 

Scott C. Waring 

News states: 

Witnesses described the object as a white or translucent balloon, possibly with some red lighting and a box structure underneath. “Rocky says it’s right up there, and he points to it and sure enough, there it was — and it didn’t move forever,” Franks said.
Police said the craft was visible by the naked eye for a moment but eventually moved further away, having to use optical scopes to examine it. The image below is a view of the scope, followed by a close-up of the unusual object. 


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