Comments on: Too HOT and HUMID to Live: Extreme Wet Bulb Events Are on the Rise Exploring The Unknown Thu, 12 Oct 2023 06:25:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: DranZuthahor Gaming Thu, 12 Oct 2023 06:25:30 +0000 I’m beginning to wonder that if it’s too hot for humans to live and we cant occupy or animals cannot either then life cannot be sustained in those regions and these bubbles will just get bigger and bigger. Pretty much we are suffocating ourselves out of existence.

By: Anaconda Wed, 11 Oct 2023 08:15:46 +0000 😂😂😂😂😂<br><br>Just like every other climate prediction that has not even come close to true....😂😂😂😂 fake news!]]> Middle America Will Soon Be Too Hot to Live in, Scientists Predict…..😂😂😂😂😂😂

Just like every other climate prediction that has not even come close to true….😂😂😂😂 fake news!

By: Anaconda Wed, 11 Oct 2023 08:14:43 +0000 The united nations is a demonic entity that must be disbanded!

By: Angus MacKaskill Wed, 04 Oct 2023 03:50:51 +0000 its been hot and humid there for eons, now that Europeans are living there it must be global warming.

By: heresteven Sun, 01 Oct 2023 02:07:06 +0000 joe biden will let every immigrant into the united states

By: Opossum Boy Sat, 30 Sep 2023 21:23:52 +0000 If you are concerned about the climate issue, I recommend the following (yes, i’m repeating this message, sorry)

1. Learn as much as you can about the climate polycrisis. Don’t just study weather patterns; educate yourself on global warming, biological feedbacks, the damage caused by warming oceans/ocean acidification, the risks of desertification and agricultural losses, and the potential for sea level rise.

2. Recognize that the solutions are incredibly complex and do not involve just building electric cars or having everyone recycle; they require a fundamental shift in the system by which we live. For (scientifically backed) information on this and many other topics, I recommend “The Great Simplification” right here on youtube.

3. Protect yourself for the future. Within the next two decades we will likely see drastic shifts in the system by which we live. IF YOU CAN, move to the center of whatever continent you live in. Educate yourself on practical matters such as growing food, self-defense, and repair. Personal changes like going vegan or driving an electric car are good for making you feel better, but they will NOT protect you in the event of a major collapse.

4. Continue to petition the government for change. Citizen’s Climate Lobby is a great place to start, although they do not seem to consider the problem as drastic as some sources. XR is disjointed and, while they are certainly visible, their message will become less effective as things get worse, because people will respond with violence more quickly. Recognize that it is simply too late to stop much of the damage from climate change without fundamentally changing society.

I am happy to elaborate on any of these points. Even if you believe this is all a liberal hoax or something, I urge you to take steps to protect yourself. Doubt does not make you foolish; ignorance does.

By: Stephen Bachman Sat, 30 Sep 2023 16:50:17 +0000 2070 i will be dead by then.

By: omie djo Sat, 30 Sep 2023 12:43:17 +0000 Its all because they are f.king with the weather for so long, and the simpletons dont believe this.

By: Liftnd Fri, 29 Sep 2023 10:11:39 +0000 It’s criminal for you to get population worked up about something you cannot seriously say what the complete picture of the global climate and impact it’s going to be in a 100 years. Please Stop it . They can’t even agree on the age of the Universe and we thought that was settled science and now they may have been a few years off from the original 14 billion years old to a somewhere the 24-27 billion years old. So just be aware of the people talking as matter of fact about something that is complicated it usually means they have no clue. As Richard Feynman said about quantum Physics “If you think you understand it, you don’t understand it”

By: Captain Codebook Thu, 28 Sep 2023 02:38:57 +0000 3:30 So you actually PROVED the point of the world will change…and we CANNOT stop it or cause it. We have to plan to adapt or die, not waste energy against the inevitable
