Comments on: Time to Wake Up: Climate Change is Causing Extreme Weather Events Exploring The Unknown Thu, 01 Sep 2016 18:36:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: @ttmallard Thu, 01 Sep 2016 18:36:30 +0000 Geologic context for the Pleistocene CO2 rate-of-change averaged 1-ppm/1000-years, big jump up end of the last ice-age 1-ppm/180-years last year we set a record 3.05-ppm, one year.

That's 5-times outside "natural variation" for the epoch that previously had a maximum of 305-ppm over a million years of ice-ages that mainly varied between 180-280ppm, 100-ppm or 9% variance, at 405-ppm it's 45%.

At 405-ppm we jumped CO125-ppm in 260-years, about 1/460th the time natural systems take and that's acidifying the oceans 10-times faster than known extinction events.

The other factor of being at 405-ppm is sea-level balances out to 25m/82ft higher than today matters not how long it takes.

Last year's carbon was 37-Gigatons CO2eqv, frozen it's 37 cubic kilometers of gas, 25% of it stays for over 10,000-years from when it was emitted, Catch-22 on CO2 emissions.

The planet sequesters excess CO2 in the atmosphere and lets rock weathering remove it over millions of years, a rather slow process for humans.

So the idea to sequester that much CO2 a year just to counter reality for the next several decades without over-stressing the area to earthquakes with a high risk of the poisoning effect of excess CO2 acidifying groundwater or aquifers is sketchy at best.

Dumped into the sea that much CO2 causes a benthic extinction, bacteria take over.

What we're doing is all rather immature and delusional geophysically speaking, it's the same problem with nuclear waste, eh?

End the Steam-Age to end fossil fuel use for electrons, produce biodiesel for transportation at sewage treatment plants by growing algae on the wastewater nutrients to purify the water, they do a good job and make full recycling "cheap" by producing the biodiesel.

Hope this is useful info.

By: @johnnyjones3362 Mon, 08 Aug 2016 03:19:33 +0000 Weather is not climate no matter how extreme. If NOAA would stop adjusting past climate graphs to suit this scam to control the population, we could get on with dealing with corporations like Monsanto poisoning your food.

By: @quebecer4605 Wed, 15 Jun 2016 22:45:32 +0000 Thank you Senator Whitehouse for being one of the few on Capital Hill to believe in science and facts. Thank you very much!

By: @egalitarianvegan8806 Tue, 07 Jun 2016 13:47:03 +0000 Government has been bought, and is controlled by capitalism. Capitalism is the driver of green house gases. How can government institutions fix climate change, when their main agenda is to maintain market growth, and profits that are dependent on burning carbon fuels. We have just watched an exercise if futility. We are so past the point of fixing this problem. We are now going to have to adjust to a very different world.

By: @genev193 Sun, 05 Jun 2016 17:35:45 +0000 It's too late to wake up. We needed people like this 20 years ago.

By: @STROONZONY Sun, 05 Jun 2016 03:37:32 +0000 never heard of the surname 'Whitehouse'. would people get confused with a Whitehouse for president?

By: @whiteravenflying2261 Sat, 04 Jun 2016 12:30:16 +0000 unfortunately it is too late, just look at the weather changes around the planet then it is very obvious it is very many really disastrous weather events,and it has become worse for many years in a row.

By: @Trigger_000 Fri, 27 May 2016 22:00:00 +0000 More bullshit from Whitehouse. IPCC AR5 2013 cited "low confidence" linking extreme weather events to climate change.

Stick your carbon tax up your ass. #SCAM

By: @angusyoung9594 Fri, 27 May 2016 02:18:19 +0000 Thank you for your work and your persistence, Senator.

By: @tripley66 Fri, 27 May 2016 01:50:04 +0000 I can't say I've watched all 138 Time To Wake Up, but I've watched a great deal of them. Bravo! I've not heard you speak about the Federal Climate Lawsuit brought by Our Children's Trust as well as other judicial efforts. Perhaps one of the weekly sessions on what youth are doing on climate issues both in the courts and lobbying Congress. Thank you for all you do.
