Comments on: The World in 2021: five stories to watch out for | The Economist Exploring The Unknown Sun, 27 Feb 2022 12:32:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Richard Lee Sun, 27 Feb 2022 12:32:33 +0000 πŸ˜†]]> The future of the has already been paid for. Game over for everyone. Till it's time. And if the people of the world don't come togather and take our country back It may be already to late.People are already living it. Peace and love to all.πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ˜†

By: Richard Lee Sun, 27 Feb 2022 12:21:47 +0000 Be careful,for. the lies that we're set in play is just now beginning.way more to come.

By: Jonathan Rolfsen Sun, 20 Feb 2022 18:47:42 +0000 3:53 Vaccines pushed as helping to resist tyranny X) That's one I haven't heard…

By: FlyingMonkies325 Fri, 11 Feb 2022 04:12:11 +0000 I change my mind i don't want us to be so technologically reliant because it would mean sacrificing our privacy, when the Starlink Satellite Grid is read and everyone starts to be connected across the entire planet officially (a lot of counties don't actually have internet and many rural areas) welp they can know everything about everyone and they will store that data, be able to track what you search and buy, where you buy like everything…

We think it's bad now how it's used against us oh no no i don't think so… and it's why i've hugely pulled back my internet presence and left other social media sites, i'm still a bit open when i talk about some things but cos of certain things that have happened i'm careful how i word things now it's true but vague enough that you can't truly read more into it that's not there even if you wanted to lol.

The internet is also just the internet too not real life so we have to remember to keep ourselves in real life and remain present in it but i'm afraid constant use of the internet and computers isn't going to be a choice and we're already so reliant on them so we have to understand what it truly means for us.

I like Star Trek and the future that represents but i think i'd like ours to be different cos they hugely tuned people in their grid where their earth citizenship was tied in with their citizen account that they needed to access everything including what is their internet which is more of a database and archive of information than a world wide web, but they can see everything they do and often overruled their privacy anyway, i don't like the idea of that being our future and we're already heading into it, i hope that others learn that's not how we want it to be.

By: prilep5 Mon, 07 Feb 2022 05:02:35 +0000 and nothing about blockchains and crypto currency]]> 4:42 hammer will stop producing electric cars?hahπŸ€”and nothing about blockchains and crypto currency

By: Daniel M Connolly Sun, 06 Feb 2022 04:52:01 +0000 πŸ‘‘πŸ•Š]]> The Earth is not a spinning globe but is in fact Flat, Stationary and Non-Rotating, fixed on Pillars and under the Firmament which separates the waters above from the waters below. Praise God~πŸ™πŸ‘‘πŸ•ŠοΈ

By: Henry Cao Mon, 31 Jan 2022 00:06:01 +0000 when you looked at these stories in 2022, none of them had made the headlines.

By: Nugget of Truth - Eric King Tue, 25 Jan 2022 17:07:31 +0000 This was interesting.

By: Steffon Griffin Sun, 16 Jan 2022 17:35:34 +0000 Family threatened me covid last night.. lol like I care but let's see if I get it now. Lol

By: Steffon Griffin Sun, 16 Jan 2022 17:34:02 +0000 Anyone else feel like, we still have human bodies, but practical monkey brains? I think we desperately need the 90 percent not working, and had it, before the aliens or whoever, revealed themselves as our masters
