Comments on: The storms that struck Great Britain Exploring The Unknown Mon, 23 Oct 2023 21:20:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: @eveningstar3230 Mon, 23 Oct 2023 21:20:28 +0000 it tends to be more stormy in winter in the uk, than in the summer.

By: @koosvanpetten5567 Sat, 21 Oct 2023 15:29:24 +0000 And where were the super-rich with their money to help all these poor confronted people ???

By: @keithdavison2960 Fri, 20 Oct 2023 22:41:56 +0000 2023 October here hold my beer

By: @TheLairyLemur Mon, 09 Oct 2023 17:49:47 +0000 Can the bitrate get any lower?

By: @charliegifford5526 Sat, 02 Sep 2023 02:03:16 +0000 ]]> The section between 24 and 29 minutes needs to be played in airports when storms force cancellations…. Many folks dont understand, but if they were told/shown that it was done for their own safety then attitudes may change…. Public need to understand that Pilots are just average people with a different skill set.. This doesnt mean they're superhuman and incapable of getting it anythijg but perfect. Even in the most challenging and dangerous of situations….
Well done and thank you too the pilots, cabin crew and airport staff on the ground for putting our safety before our ignorance of the dangers these weather changes pose to life ❤

By: @borleyboo5613 Fri, 21 Jul 2023 13:30:38 +0000 Yes, I remember St Jude’s storm. I was in Ipswich that day and I remember it tore the facings off high rise flats and we lost power for a while. That year, Atlantic lows seemed to be queuing up to batter us. Like the one before Christmas Eve. I kept going out for a smoke and nearly getting blown away. Exciting times but not for the poor buggers who lost everything.

By: @johngrice2246 Tue, 11 Jul 2023 15:18:15 +0000 Did i miss it or was the year never mentioned

By: @beenaplumber8379 Sun, 14 May 2023 23:41:12 +0000 Well, should we be spraying for butterflies in the Amazon?

By: @patrickdoyle9369 Fri, 28 Apr 2023 09:34:16 +0000 You don't just dredge rivers, you build sea walls and also now walls along river banks, or make the river banks much higher… there are things out there that can stop flooding.. However if you're going to live right on the coast and risk loosing you home that's built on nothing more than a sand bank i have no sympathy for you.. You cannot have it both ways, ie living in a nice place with nice views without expecting flooding given the fact that as the years pass by you DO BUGGER ALL TO PREVENT WHAT'S COMING.. Or are you thick as well as dumb.

The drainage systems need to be four fold, giving jobs to people. and lowering the risk of flooding, and problem areas that flood constantly need to be looked at to see what's possible to do in such area.
Also for those that live in such areas that flood on a constant basis, they need to pay much much higher INSURANCE premiums than those that don't live in such areas.. why should everyone else have to pay more in their insurance for your stupidity.

Times have changed over the decades and yet nothing is done in preventing floods.. The Government take million even Billions off people in tax's for climate change, where is that money gone..?
Because i see bugger all spent there or here where i live.. They take the money and put it in there back pockets and run…

By: @paxwallace8324 Thu, 27 Apr 2023 05:26:25 +0000 ]]> God I love the brits worried about their Seals 🇬🇧
