The NSA and Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence? Here’s the REAL History…


Recently, there is a lot of talk about Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence and a “declassified” document released by the NSA. Also this week, that story got quite the injection of exposure, when Mr. Luis Elizondo brought it up on Fade to Black with Jimmy Church.

However, most of the story is wrong. The document is certainly real – but not how it’s being talked about.

Here is the breakdown and the documented history behind it… and then some!


o The Original Sun Article
o Fade to Black Interview with Luis Elizondo

o NSA FOIA Documents
o NSA ORIGINAL Release to The Black Vault in 1996

o NSA Reading Room for Document Verification of all three “Extraterrestrial Communication” documents talked about

o Voynich Manuscript


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