The “Mojave Triangle UAP” – The FOIA’d Documents, Photos and Video

On May 22, 2023, investigative journalists Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp published what they called the “Mojave Triangle UAP“. Controversy immediately began, as the debate between those who thought it was flares vs. those who believed it was a giant triangle, raged on. The flare debate escalated when The Black Vault posted on Twitter a video from the DoD, shot the same night as the alleged UAP encounter, which matched up nearly identically with the “UAP” footage circulating on the web and in the mainstream media.

According to Corbell and Knapp, as published on their “Weaponized” podcast website:

“Investigative journalists Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp obtained and are revealing for the first time, exclusive footage of a UFO hovering over an active United States military base. This event is considered a ‘mass UFO sighting’ – with significant and diverse documentation in the form of videos, photos and recorded direct eyewitness testimony by active military personnel. The audio/visual content presented here was collected within hours after the UAP encounter.”

Additional information where they revealed the information is found on their podcast available on YouTube here.

Immediately, The Black Vault filed a FOIA request to seek out information relating to the video footage, and the events on the night of April 20, 2021, the night of the “UAP” encounter.

The FOIA response came on July 6, 2023. You can find all of the videos, photographs and documents below.

Video Archive

Document Archive

(FOIA release letter at the bottom of this page)

Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One (MAWTS-1) [48 Pages, 19.8MB]

Tactical Training and Exercise Control Group (TTECG) [7 Pages, 1.8MB]

 Ranges [81 Pages, 59.2MB]

Photograph Archive

Download all 128 photographs released [161MB]


FOIA Release Letter


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