Comments on: The Line Up: Israel’s 75th Independence Day Political Turmoil, Tensions, Sudan Lab & More Exploring The Unknown Thu, 04 May 2023 14:44:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jarrod Grunke Thu, 04 May 2023 14:44:02 +0000 My thoughts on damascus will be nuclear related. I think there will be an accident like Chernobyle.

By: ZeeZeeTope Tue, 02 May 2023 19:21:09 +0000 ❤❤]]> What an amazing, timely message. Sharing with my entire family…give us more!! ❤️❤️❤️

By: Joseph Ritchie Sun, 30 Apr 2023 18:13:03 +0000 There will be flesh left – just none Doing Iniquities .

By: Caroline R Sun, 30 Apr 2023 09:47:01 +0000 ]]> Thank you Pastor Barry 🇦🇺

By: Darrell Page Sun, 30 Apr 2023 02:21:38 +0000 Good stuff. AMEN.

By: Nicole Desroches-Burr Sat, 29 Apr 2023 22:53:00 +0000 ✝🇨🇦]]> Thank you Pastor Barry for your teaching , it is so important to hear Bible teaching and the way we can understand .
I do have a question fro you if you could clarify for me what Perry Stone said ; From Hebrews 1:13-14 , that the Angel are sent by God to save a love one before they die ,
Please clarify for me , you are to be trusted, I have been listening to your teaching at all time possible.
I pray the Lord our God to bless you or your family 🙏✝️🇨🇦

By: David A. Dennis Sat, 29 Apr 2023 12:06:11 +0000 Over 20 years ago I played Jesus in a passion play we put on for the youth in our church. I organized the adults to do it, and we paraded the kids through the church to each new scene. My wife was with the kids and had to coax them to yell out "crucify him" and she said it broke her heart. One of my best friends, a SWAT team police member, played a Roman guard who had to throw me down in front of Pilate, came up later and asked, "Oh man, did I hurt you, I mean, I threw you down HARD". I laughed and said "YES, Bruce, you DID hurt me!". His face went slack, and I laughed and said, "It was great, you were perfect!" and he started to laugh with me. So much cool stuff happened that night. I will spare you details.

20 years later I am in the hospital, very ill, awaiting surgery, and a nurse in her early 30's came in and said "Hey, didn't you play Jesus in that little church in the country?". She told me how much it changed her life; she gave her life to Jesus that night and was on the right track since. Suddenly my heart leapt for joy, I was no longer in pain, sick and pathetic. That one moment, that little interaction, made my entire life worthwhile. I could die a happy man. But God wasn't done with me yet…. DOH.

You just never know. Let your light shine every single day.

By: heaven bound Sat, 29 Apr 2023 09:35:55 +0000 I totally agree with Barry on the timing of the Rapture. I've believed this for forty years

By: Nicole Desroches-Burr Sat, 29 Apr 2023 00:40:02 +0000 🙏🇳🇮🇨🇦😊💕]]> Palestine has took away the land of Israel , the Lord our God will return the lands that belong to all the Jewish people soon
We have to pray for Israel Christians for there peace . May the Lord bless them and provide all their needs . ✝️🙏🇳🇮🇨🇦😊💕

By: Cindy Grimm Sat, 29 Apr 2023 00:21:08 +0000 @DeathKiss you are not the only one, at times.
