The “Baghdad Phantom UAP” Imagery Published by Jeremy Corbell & George Knapp


Video Breakdown


In the early morning hours of March 7, 2023, new leaked (not officially released or verified as of this writing) UAP related imagery was published by Jeremy Corbell & George Knapp, during Episode #7 of their “Weaponized Podcast“. In this episode, Corbell and Knapp revealed what they call the “Baghdad Phantom UAP”.

Here is their breakdown (images released are below):

A Summary

Here is the press release sent out by Corbell and Knapp, first published on WeaponizedPodcast.com.

Investigative journalists Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp obtained and are revealing for the first time, US military filmed UFO footage from an active conflict zone; imaged by the US Air Force using a Reaper drone. This UFO has been officially designated by the Air Force as a UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena), but is NOT yet currently part of the active United States UAP investigations; seemingly due to obstacles of information-flow after collection. The Department of Defense’s AARO (All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office) is NOW aware of this case.

You can hear and see more about this case on Corbell’s and Knapp’s new podcast and show called WEAPONIZED. Here are some details about this military-filmed UFO…

DATE / TIME – 14 May 2022

LOCATION – These 6 images (and footage) were taken north of the city of Baghdad, Iraq.

DURATION – The video is 7 seconds long. The “cylindrical” UAP labeled THE BAGHDAD PHANTOM UAP is seen in transit “under intelligent control – in controlled flight” moving in a stable lateral direction across the video (from left to right from the viewers perspective).

IMAGING TYPE – Thermographic / Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR)

RECONNAISSANCE CRAFT – US Air Force / Reaper Drone


    • The filming of THE BAGHDAD PHANTOM UAP was NOT an isolated UAP event in the area during this 24 hour period.

    • UAP consisting of various shapes were filmed during this UAP event series.

    • Corroborative data from multiple types of sensor data were used to document these UAP events – including THERMAL & RADAR.

Video Created From Still Images

Still Images Released

According to the geo-coordinates embedded on the frame, it is confirmed as central Iraq, according to Twitter user “Flarkey“:

The Black Vault has reached out to the Pentagon for comment, but as of the writing of this article, no comment has been received yet. This page will be updated once a response is received.

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