Terrified Kids Watch Lights, Cottageville, South Carolina Oct 13, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News

UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY: Terrified Kids Watch Lights, Cottageville, South Carolina Oct 13, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News

Terrified Kids Watch Lights, Cottageville, South Carolina Oct 13, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News

Yes its short, but they were scared. 🤔🤔🤔Eyewitness states: I went outside the call the cat in, and saw a light between the trees-(object was past the trees)- I moved my head several times because it was just sitting there. I ran inside to get my husband and ran back out and it started ascending up (slowly like a rising elevator) husband took the shortest video because he said it was a plane-it absolutely was not. It was low and hovered before ascending! Then flew over our heads over our house. Was it a drone? I have no idea. It seemed bigger than that. It did make noise as it flew over but not as loud as a low “plane” would have been. I do not believe it to be a helicopter either. It did have a flashing red light underneath which made me think it wasn’t a UFO-but I couldn’t see the standard red, white, and blue lights of a plane. I am positive it was triangular in shape as it flew over the house-and then that was that. I asked the community on FB if anyone had seen it-got nothing in return. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan

Eyewitness states: I went outside the call the cat in, and saw a light between the trees-(object was past the trees)- I moved my head several times because it was just sitting there. I ran inside to get my husband and ran back out and it started ascending up (slowly like a rising elevator) husband took the shortest video because he said it was a plane-it absolutely was not. It was low and hovered before ascending! Then flew over our heads over our house. Was it a drone? I have no idea. It seemed bigger than that. It did make noise as it flew over but not as loud as a low “plane” would have been. I do not believe it to be a helicopter either. It did have a flashing red light underneath which made me think it wasn’t a UFO-but I couldn’t see the standard red, white, and blue lights of a plane. I am positive it was triangular in shape as it flew over the house-and then that was that. I asked the community on FB if anyone had seen it-got nothing in return.

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