Strange Weather

Tent Proofing with Weather Seal – Part 2 – Spraying it on

This is a follow up video to a tent waterproofing video a did a while back.
I tried a pressure spray bottle from my local budget store just to see if it would be a neater and more even way to apply Thomson’s Weather Seal to a tent.
Turns out my local hardware store stopped selling Thompson’s and switched to another brand. I figure one weather seal is like the next so switched brands and gave it a try. I did it on a coat a couple pillow cases (for my camp pillow) and an old tent my Mother-in-Law gave me because, hey why not?
It was easy to do, economical, cleaned up easily and seems to have done the job.
Yes, I do weird videos, part of the fun of being on here. Find myself chuckling because I am reminded daily that the world is diverse and that not everyone sees things the same way (my little blind guy joke for today).
Thanks to everyone for all the likes and the comments that are starting to come in, gives me something to think about.
Part of what inspired this was some questions I had from some fellow Scouters about how the technique worked and how the fabric felt after treating it. I have never really noticed anything to annoying, maybe a kind of tacky feeling but nothing so noticeable that the fabric stuck together unless you packed it up before you let it thoroughly dry.
For those of you making videos, keep it up, I love watching what you make, especially the DIY, hacks and other musing that highlight everyone’s quirky personality.


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