Technology Forecast: Nonconventional Energy Sources for the Future Soldier – 29 June 2009

“Compact, efficient, lightweight, and long-lasting energy technologies are emerging as a force multiplier in military affairs. Innovative power sources that can outperform the energy density of current batteries and fuel cells promise major weight and volume reductions. Advances in nanotechnologies are playing a crucial role in the development of new energy sources, generators, and harvesters. Many countries, including China, Iran, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and Taiwan, are researching these technologies. DIA judges with moderate confidence that while the United States can maintain its technological superiority in nonconventional energy sources for the next 5 to 10 years, technologies with strong commercial and humanitarian applications could be assimilated by foreign countries with relative ease. These dual-use technologies could then be adapted and implemented into military systems in support of future soldier programs.”

(Note: The following report was sent, I believe, on accident while requesting another document. Since the result was still interesting, it is being archived here for reference, and the original document requested has had another case filed to track it down.)

Document Archive

Technology Forecast: Nonconventional Energy Sources for the Future Soldier – 29 June 2009 [14 Pages, 1.6MB]

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