Taking a few days off to reorganize and change, In the meantime, here are 3 UFO researchers changing the world.


Hey all, how’s it going? I have been getting a few emails asking what has happened to my youtube account. False claims were made against me in an attack and apparently, thats all Youtube cares about. There’s a lot of competition out there in the UFO community, some that like me and others that hate me. Haters started a decade ago when I got too much attention in the world news, making some very envious. I have had many UFO researchers target me for over the last two decades, but..I’m still here. 

This is a transition period for me, meaning I will find a new video platform and use it instead. I may make less posts for a while, but I will leave the links to some UFO researchers who care about the subject and the UFO community below. 

For the most recent UFO news please visit the below researchers. 

HiddenUnderbelly at https://www.youtube.com/c/TheHiddenUnderbelly20/videos

Thirdphaseofmoon at https://www.youtube.com/c/thirdphaseofmoon

Secureteam10 at https://www.youtube.com/c/secureteam10

I will be back in a few days, active as I ever was, but need some time. There is an old saying, life doesn’t get better chance, it gets better by change. 

Thank you all for your caring thoughts, will see you all soon, 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 


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