UK Prepping – Paranormal Activity Exploring The Unknown Thu, 25 Jul 2019 20:42:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Weird weather and crop failure Thu, 25 Jul 2019 20:42:18 +0000

If you are a regular viewer to my channel you will have seen a number of videos where I have talked about weird weather such as excessive rains, droughts and also diseases or pests, which have been destroying the food production system in different parts of the world.

You will also have seen my videos outlining my experiences as I experiment with gaining the skills necessary to produce my own food after a SHTF event.

Well, here in the UK, I am experiencing my own weird weather and crop failures and while I appreciate it is not on quite the same scale as the major events I usually discuss in my videos, I thought I would share it with you, as there is a lesson there to be learned

I also cover one of the main topics of this video in greater detail in one of my previous videos – “Food Crisis in 2019 ? (It’s not due to BREXIT)”

There is a link to this video below


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