Talltanic – Paranormal Activity https://paranormalactivity.org Exploring The Unknown Mon, 11 Mar 2019 23:27:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 World's Most EXTREME Weather Events https://paranormalactivity.org/worlds-most-extreme-weather-events/ https://paranormalactivity.org/worlds-most-extreme-weather-events/#comments Mon, 11 Mar 2019 23:27:43 +0000 http://paranormalactivity.org/worlds-most-extreme-weather-events/

Deadly? Check. Destructive? Check. These storms and weather events are some of the worst we’ve seen, as well as some of the craziest. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes galore; this is World’s Most Extreme Weather Events!

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5. 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
Just one day after Christmas, on December 26, 2004, a gigantic earthquake took place off of northern Sumatra’s west coast. It registered a 9.1 to 9.3 on the Moment magnitude scale and was classified as an undersea megathrust earthquake. That quake sent tsunamis in various directions and wreaked havoc in 11 different countries and caused fatalities in 14. The massive, up to 100-foot high tsunami waves were collectively called the Boxing Day tsunamis. For reference, ten-story buildings are around 100-feet tall. These waves did the most damage in Indonesia, Thailand, India, and Sri Lanka, and reports put the loss of life at right around 227,898. Roughly 9,000 tourists were a part of that number, and most of those were European; the quake and resulting tsunamis just so happened to occur at the peak of the holiday travel season. The earthquake resulted from faulting which lasted eight to ten minutes (the longest duration of faulting ever seen), and it was the third largest on record.

4. Great Blizzard of 1888
One of the craziest and most severe blizzards to happen in the United States started not long after midnight on March 12, 1888. It continued to dump snow on the northeastern part of the country for a day-and-a-half. Between 30 and 50 inches of snow was dumped in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Vermont, and some of the surrounding areas. Saratoga Springs, New York is said to have received 58 inches! Sustained winds of over 45 miles-per-hour didn’t help much and created snow drifts that averaged between 30 and 40 feet in height, although the highest came in at 52 feet in Gravesend, New York. Many people were stuck indoors for up to a week, fire stations were unable to operate, railroads were shut down, ships were wrecked and grounded, and all other means of transportation were wholly immobilized. More than 400 people lost their lives due to the blizzard and the ensuing cold that followed, with New York City seeing the most casualties at right around 200.

3. Hurricane Katrina
A lot of us will remember this extremely deadly, extremely destructive category 5 hurricane that happened in August of 2005. It caused damage and death in many states—mainly Mississippi and Louisiana, but also Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Texas, and more. It was the costliest and most damaging Atlantic hurricane ever and was the sixth most powerful ever recorded. It started up in the Bahamas and peaked on August 28, with winds hitting 175 mph at times. She even spawned many tornadoes across a bunch of different states as the winds really stirred things up. Georgia experienced 18 tornadoes on the 29th of August, which was a record for most tornadoes in one day in the state. Many evacuation orders and recommendations were put out, although many either decided to try to ride out the storm or couldn’t get out in time. Oh, and you may remember talk of levees breaking during the storm; 53 different levee breaches were reported in New Orleans, causing severe flooding throughout the city. In total, around 2,000 people lost their lives during the hurricane, and roughly $80 billion in damage was done.

2. 1900 Galveston Hurricane
On September 8, 1900, roughly 8,000 people fell victim to what is the worst natural disaster ever in the U.S. Galveston, Texas was, at the time, the biggest city in all of Texas. Of all Atlantic hurricanes, it was the fourth most deadly, and it was one of the deadliest to affect Canada as well. The island of Galveston was basically entirely covered in 8 to 12 feet of water, which caused every single house on it to get damaged. Not to mention 3,636 were wholly destroyed, and on top of the loss of life, about 10,000 were left homeless. At the time, the city was still thriving in what’s called the Golden Era of Galveston; however, the hurricane put an abrupt end to that. The hurricane was even the first of the season, and it peaked on September 8 (a day before it made landfall at Jamaica Beach, Texas, near Galveston) as a Category 4, with sustained winds reaching a maximum of 145 mph. In the U.S. alone, more than $34 million in damages were cause, with approximately $30 million of it occurring in Galveston.



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Top 10 Strangest Weather Phenomena https://paranormalactivity.org/top-10-strangest-weather-phenomena/ Thu, 25 May 2017 06:34:05 +0000 http://paranormalactivity.org/top-10-strangest-weather-phenomena/

Please watch: “Top 10 Most Overcrowded Countries”

Music Attribution:

At Rest – Romance by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100748
Artist: http://incompetech.com/


20 Bizarre Recent Weather Phenomena https://paranormalactivity.org/20-bizarre-recent-weather-phenomena/ https://paranormalactivity.org/20-bizarre-recent-weather-phenomena/#comments Sun, 27 Nov 2016 00:00:01 +0000 http://paranormalactivity.org/20-bizarre-recent-weather-phenomena/

From the strange happening of toads falling from the sky to the unbelievable & beautiful circle rainbow you need to see to believe!

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11. Acid Rain
Acid rain arrived in Iran along with November in 2013 and caused an unprecedented increase in respiratory problems throughout the country. Iran has the dubious distinction of having four of the top ten most polluted cities in the world, including Ahvaz, the world’s most polluted….

10. Clouds from Space
Particularly strange and otherworldly clouds covered Panama City Beach, Florida on the same day as the rare snowstorm that hit Libya. The two weather phenomena happening on the same day had weather experts more excited than Billy Mays doing an infomercial.

9. Neon Beach
Juhu Beach in Mumbai was lit fluorescent blue for the second time this year. The brilliant light show happens thanks to tiny plankton called dinoflagellates becoming disturbed, which activates their bioluminescence, or their ability to produce light. The site is so visually spectacular that people usually assume that pictures of the phenomenon are fake.

8. Whirlpool in Latvia
An enormous whirlpool appeared in a river in Latvia that swallowed everything near it. Onlookers got a video of the incident, which happened in April of 2013. People speculate that it could actually be a sinkhole beneath the river.

7. Rare Clouds Over Norway
Witnesses observed polar stratospheric clouds over Norway in May of this year. Sunlight shining through ice particles in the clouds create the amazing colors seen in the formations. The rare sights shape a minimum of seventy thousand feet high, double the height a commercial airline flies. While beautiful, the clouds are very destructive to the ozone layer.

6. Giant Hailstone
Usually when someone says that they experience hail the size of a golf ball they are exaggerating. This saying would have been an understatement in Vivian, South Dakota on July 23, 2010. Les Scott collected a huge hailstone from his backyard and immediately threw it in his freezer. A good idea since the hailstone ended up being 8 inches in diameter and nearly 2 pounds, setting the U.S. record for the biggest hailstone ever recorded.

5. Siberian Snowball Madness
A bunch of snowy ice balls washed on the shores of western Siberia in November to the delight of one nearby bear. The rare process involves small pieces of ice being rolled by wind and water to form a giant sphere. While rare the spectacular natural event is not one of a kind. People took pictures and videos of a similar mass of balls on the shores of Lake Michigan in 2010 and again in 2014.

4. Ominous Lakes
Scientists recently concluded a satellite-based study in which they observed a worrisome phenomenon in eastern Antarctica for the first time. Researchers saw almost 8,000 supraglacial or meltwater lakes form between the years 2000 and 2013. Experts have observed other meltwater lakes in different parts of the continent and the world, but the fact that they are showing up in a region that was thought to have relatively stable and frigid weather is what is so troubling about the discovery. The lakes have been shown to drastically increase ice melting in Greenland, which in turn increases the global sea level.

3. Crazy Cloud Over Costa Rica
People were bewildered and amazed to see an intense but beautiful formation in the sky that experts believe was a weather phenomenon called cloud iridescence. Thousands of pictures and videos were shared on social media in early September last year when these clouds showed up in the skies of Escazu, Costa Rica. Witnesses described the clouds as looking like a precursor to the end of the world and a sign of God.

2. Circular Rainbow
A rainbow is a relatively common sight that almost everyone has seen in the sky at one time or another. Much rarer is spotting a circular rainbow, and that is because the conditions have to be perfect. They can only be seen from the air when the sun is shining behind the observer through raindrops. Seeing one is incredibly rare and getting a picture of one is even rarer. A photographer was flying over Cottesloe Beach in Australia during a rain shower in 2014 when he saw this incredible circular rainbow.

1. Greek “Lost City”
When divers came across round columns and concrete looking floors on the ocean seabed off the Greek island Zakynthos they naturally assumed that they had stumbled upon a long-lost civilization. Similar discoveries had been made in the area, after all. Experts recently found that the so-called lost civilization was a naturally occurring geological phenomenon that happened over 5 million years ago. Geologists have seen similar structures before but never in waters so shallow.


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