jesus – Paranormal Activity Exploring The Unknown Sun, 01 Jan 2023 15:52:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Something Big Is Happening Right Now As Thousands Of Animals Are Acting Strange Sun, 01 Jan 2023 15:52:23 +0000

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Welcome to Futureunity, where we explore the fascinating world of science, technology, and the universe! From the inner workings of the human body to the outer reaches of space, we delve into the latest and most interesting discoveries that are shaping our world. Whether you’re a science buff or just looking for some mind-blowing facts, we’ve got you covered. Join us as we uncover the mysteries of the world around us and discover new frontiers in the fields of science and technology. Get ready for a journey. Please remember that our videos are purely made for entertainment purposes only. Our information may not be correct. Enjoy, but question and explore further.

Content on Futureunity is for entertainment only. While we aim for accuracy, our information may not be correct, up-to-date or complete. Always consult experts and do your own research. Enjoy, but question and explore further.


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End Times signs prophecy news update (December, 2021) Fri, 03 Dec 2021 19:30:04 +0000

End Times Prophecy Update (December, 2021) | Weather, Heavy Snow Fall, Joe Biden
Prophecy update this week: End times signs prophecy news update for November.
In this video we discuss major world current events as they relate to end times bible prophecy and also current news and extreme weather for December, 2021

Signs & Wonders prophecy watchers formerly known as End Times Reporter.
what’s happening around the world ? strange shocking events and corruption on a mass level. We are living in perilous times. End of days ? biblical events are taking place around the world.

On this channel We discuss bible, church, rapture, mark of the beast, strange sounds and animal behaviors end times, end times signs, end times news, end times events, bible prophecy, prophecy in the news, tornado, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Wildfires, Record Breaking Weather, Hurricanes, Cyclones, Typhoons, Tornadoes, floods, , Strange weather, strange events, strange weather phenomenon and end times signs latest events in our prophecy 2021 update.
The 2020 prophecy is happening more with strange weather and strange events. We live in perilous times and are dealing with floods, storms, hail, fire, wildfires, earthquake after earthquake, volcano eruptions and more. There is always prophecy in the news. We are in perilous times.
the Global increase of global warming and climate change. Activity is a sign that this year we
will see an increase in the Birth Pangs worldwide Prophetic end time events..

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A Biblical View of World Events – Understanding the Times – Part 1 Thu, 21 Jan 2021 20:00:18 +0000

How are Christians supposed to respond and think about world events? For over three centuries, Christianity stood as the foundation and center of American life. Though flawed, God’s people influenced the soul and fabric of this nation. In world history, American history has been an exception.

Because of this, the events of recent decades and the last year are shocking to many. Riots in Portland, Increasing Liberalism in the Church and lies in the media, racism and violence have become normal in America. Increasing polarization exists at every level of society and violence is seen as a viable solution. Evil is openly unrestrained.

As Christians, how are we to see these shifts? What is our response? Today, Pastor David Snyder responds to these questions with a Biblical View of World Events and events in today’s America.

In the Bible, it was normal for nations to rage against God and against God’s people. In Acts, the church was persecuted and marginalized. We must understand that humanity is sinful and rebellious against God. Our American culture is now post-Christian, and the result is an America that demands his blessing, even as we hold hostility against Jesus.

Jesus is giving America over to what she really wants. America was built on a Judeo-Christian ethic and allegiance to the God of the Bible. Though our history is flawed beyond our comprehension, our standard was righteous. Yet, for over a century, forces at every level have rejected and displaced this foundation. Like Israel, God is giving us over to our basest desires and letting us eat the fruit.

Finally, we must understand that the heart of the church is being sifted. On both sides of the political spectrum, the church is being exposed for allegiance to unbiblical ideologies. For decades, “conservative” and “Christian” were synonymous. Jesus, however, isn’t an anti-immigration, capitalist Republican. God is rebuking segments of the church that have failed to see a difference between his kingdom and an Americanism unwilling to acknowledge God as king. America does not replace or have claim to God’s promises as the church does. Jesus is extracting his name from Americanism contrary to his nature and Word. We must understand that to claim Jesus’ name for political ends is idolatry.

We must move from “sides” altogether and move toward Jesus and his true kingdom! Join us for our next video in the next few days!




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Twenty Six Eight is a Boise congregation devoted to following Jesus. One way we’re unique is that we blend Christian and Jewish beliefs and practices. We refer to this distinctive mixture as Messianic. Practically, this means we meet on Saturday morning (called Sabbath) and celebrate the biblical holidays (called Appointed Times or Festivals). We love Jesus’ church, the Jewish people, and the nation of Israel. We’ve been in the Treasure Valley for twenty years and have walked as a Messianic congregation for over twelve years.

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