Celestial interference – Paranormal Activity https://paranormalactivity.org Exploring The Unknown Tue, 13 Dec 2011 14:23:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 A very weird Weather Anomaly 2012? SE QLD Aus https://paranormalactivity.org/a-very-weird-weather-anomaly-2012-se-qld-aus/ https://paranormalactivity.org/a-very-weird-weather-anomaly-2012-se-qld-aus/#comments Tue, 13 Dec 2011 14:23:23 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/a-very-weird-weather-anomaly-2012-se-qld-aus/

This is a weather Anomaly i happened to catch on the Radar, before it ended and The storm system that hit us had past out of the Radar Imaging (Note that the BOM did NOT add a Weather warning for the wide bay/Burnett area, and that storm was quite Big, and brutal!)

End music is Five for fighting – 100 Years, i do not wish to Benefit from this song, and I claim that i have rights to air this video on YouTube Under Fair Use Policy!


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