Strange Weather

Someone Just Reported That Birds And Animals Are Acting Strange Right Now Above Turkey

Someone just reported that birds and animals are acting strange right now above Turkey. Today, we take a look at what is happening right now above Turkey.

Back in February, people across Turkey said that they observed birds acting strange prior to the earthquake which hit the region, and they’ve now said that birds are once again acting strange.

Oddly enough, it’s been observed that birds behave strangely before an earthquake, leading some to believe that they may have the ability to sense seismic activity before it occurs.

Interestingly, some animals have been observed to have the ability to detect earthquakes before they occur.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


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Paul Peczon April 5, 2023 at 7:23 am

The script has so much redundancy. Edit it down and the video would be so much better

durk April 5, 2023 at 7:32 am

Well my guess is that Russia is setting off nukes

Armani Davenport April 5, 2023 at 8:04 am

When I was in my 20s I always told my younger cousins when the birds start falling out of the sky from starvation that's when it was ice to pray😮

Eric Alguire April 5, 2023 at 9:28 am

Someone reported that most humans act strange !! 😆

cOmManDer xxL April 5, 2023 at 3:41 pm


Vanja Smud formerly known as macak76 April 5, 2023 at 5:00 pm

Scietists do not know. Birds do… The same scientists made us vaccinate ourselfs… What a comedy.

Lauren April 5, 2023 at 5:20 pm

Turkey is the ancient area called Antioch in the Bible; read the bk of Revelation, todays current events are the bk of Revelation unfolding in front of our eyes. the vcks pport was just the trial run for the mk of the beast, antichrist Rev. 13:16, coming soon. likely an electronic chip in the right hand, will b promoted as the ultimate solution to preventing theft, gvmts are instructing police depts to get slack on crime, so crime will increase, so pple will fear, panic etc…so the ac then, in an atmosphere of severe crime happening everywhere, appear as an angel of light with the perfect solution! no cash! no ID! dont need to carry anything! just take his mark in your right hand so u can b permitted to work, buy, sell, travel, etc. sound familiar? DONT take the mark! EVER!! read the bk of Revelation will tell you why…

Ms Bones April 5, 2023 at 5:36 pm

All the animals will be the herds will go a certain direction to Berg electric direction the animals in the trees with every animal start going in same way I'm way

Andrew April 5, 2023 at 10:53 pm

I live in Morecambe England if any storm is coming I know birds act funny and there's different smell n calming b4 it hits not massive storm but you have a sense ya self !!

JADI46 April 5, 2023 at 11:17 pm

The human being are responsible for this because being a human we destroy our earth atmosphere etc etc!!💔🌙

JT Moore April 6, 2023 at 3:14 am

We are headed for a pole shift people.

Victoria Brewer April 6, 2023 at 5:40 am

A large flock of birds in East Texas, March 2023 flying in circles for quite some time.

Ekow Witz April 6, 2023 at 11:50 am

The birds are not the one's causing these seismic behaviors. Its humans who are just triggering the effects. Why? Imagine all these energies from bombs and other explosive in Ukraine translated and transferred radially and Turkey though not being very close to Ukraine, can trigger some effects.
However, the birds and other animals are there as our keepers more than our reliance on electronics. That is nature helping us to avoid lost of lives.

Jack Durden April 6, 2023 at 12:52 pm

I’m sure they can sense it, but birds have been doing this same thing across the planet for months. And then dropping dead. Why? No one has been able to figure it out. So I am not sure that birds can be the best way to predict the earthquakes. Maybe many other animals, and especially those who live on the ground. It would seem that they’d have a far greater impact from any type of earth vibrations.

Jack Durden April 6, 2023 at 12:53 pm

6:36 wait, earthquakes can cause the earth to shake? When was anyone going to tell me???

Juanita Stamm April 6, 2023 at 2:59 pm

Is that why all the seagulls have been migrating to Vegas?!? Weird…

Steve Jorden April 6, 2023 at 9:02 pm

You know what's doing it,,collider..stop it..this stops..

Steve Jorden April 6, 2023 at 9:08 pm

Watch your dog and other pets..they arent acting right either.

Max Eunis April 8, 2023 at 1:20 am

The next massive earthquake will happen soon in North America .

carolina pellizzari April 10, 2023 at 1:34 pm

Birds don’t cause earthquakes but with their heightened senses they can warn us that something is not right…..

Charlotte Turner April 11, 2023 at 12:28 pm

I Totally Agree, Animals are more susceptible to the magnetic field of our planet! Whether it's an Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, Tsunami and even Storms especially when they produce Tornado's! In a tornado you don't see flocks of birds swirling around in the vortex! And it's not just the magnetic field! All creature's with the exception of Human's follow Nature whether it's fish laying less eggs due to water pollution (caused by we humans ) to even Kangaroos that give Less births during a drought. This is Not New Science! Animals have been on this planet far longer than we humans for a reason. For supposedly being the most Intelligent Life forms we've Over Populated, Stripped the Resources, Cut Down and Burned the Rainforest and Built-in area's that are prone to Disasters. And due to the All Mighty Dollar Not headed All the Signs of Global Warming!
Our Earth is a living thing and it has tried to fight back, to Live! From the Plague to even the Viruses she's unleashed to lesson The Over Population. But being the Most Intelligent Being's we have created vaccines, which I personally have Not taken. We're sprayed Insecticides, herbicides and have had to give our breeding livestock Antibiotics for Safe Human Consumption! All in the name of Science and Prosperity!
We Humans have Destroyed our Planet! Hopefully if it Doesn't Burn the Animals will make a comeback in one form or another!

LabDoctor in the 416 April 11, 2023 at 2:51 pm

Animals have a special intuition, that humans lack, if you see birds en mass, or any other animal in groups, running as fast as they can, or acting extremely peculiar, brace yourself, get to a safe place, because it means some type of natural catastrophe is just about to happen. I’ve seen it many times. My husband is from El Salvador, I’ve been down there at least 20 times, and I’ve experienced five earthquakes, before each earthquake, every animal in the area went absolutely crazy, dogs barking like hell, cats, running for the hills, thousands of birds fleeing the area, and then about 30 seconds to one minute later, the quake hit, luckily, we all paid attention to the animals and were out on the streets, where nothing could fall on us. Most of the homes in Latin America are not like the ones here, they are very much open to nature so you can see outside and many have a courtyard. We were sitting in my sister-in-law‘s courtyard having lunch when all of a sudden we saw thousands of birds suddenly takeoff, their dog started barking, frantically desperate to get away, her three cats literally jumped from the ground up onto the roof and took off running. The second we saw that we dropped everything and ran out into the street, less than one minute later, and 6.5 earthquake struck. Most of the people who live there are used to it, but that was my very first time ever experiencing an earthquake (we don’t get them in Toronto). The family told me that animals are like an early warning system, they’re in tune to nature unlike any human being, they can sense the waves before they reach us. It’s actually absolutely fascinating how they can sense it before a we can, but I’m glad I listened to the family and to the animals, because the next-door neighbours house collapsed, and a big chunk of concrete smashed the table right where I was sitting a moment ago. If those animals had not warned us, I would be dead, that is a fact. thank God for the animals!

J M April 11, 2023 at 5:08 pm

Did anyone ot any thing sense this realityquake?

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