Off The Kirb Ministries gives full credit to Ron Wyatt and his team for being the forerunners and for making these discoveries first. I’d also like to thank the following for being the inspiration behind this video: the Mount Sinai research done by Ryan Mauro and the Doubting Thomas Research Foundation, Timo and Marie Shely, Bob Cornuke and the Base Insitute, Again to Ron Wyatt and Kevin Fisher at Ark Discovery International and Wyatt Archaeological Research.
Off The Kirb Ministries video is just an echo of their extensive documentaries please go and watch their documentaries below for a deeper dive on their archaeological discoveries:
Ron Wyatt’s Documentary:
Ryan Mauro’s Documentary:
Timo and Marie Shely’s Documentary:
Bob Cornuke’s YouTube Channel:
Ark Discovery Documentary:
#archaeology #discovery #offthekirb
⬇For a deeper study on this topic you must check out these guys too! ⬇
Ron Wyatt's Documentary:
Ryan Mauro's Documentary:
Timo and Marie Shely's Documentary:
Bob Cornuke's YouTube Channel:
Ark Discovery Documentary:
I would like to know why I die for 10 minutes
Give all glory to God and through the works of Ron Wyatt it was revealed per Gods permission.
Ron Wyatt found many things. Check out his website.
So very truth 🌱🙏🏻✝️🤷🏼♀️
You are a blessed man brother Joe 👍👍👍❤️Yeshuah is our only Savior.
I watched the videos of Ron Wyatt years ago and I believe it’s all true,Joe ,thank you for reminding us these good news.
Praise GOD Above for His Son and Our ONLY Savior JESUS CHRIST Who lived for GOD'S GRACE, and Died Terribly to Save Us from Sin!! .. JESUS CHRIST was Raised from the Dead 3 days Later to Ascend to The Heavens to be there With His Father GOD!!
Visually … these are like watching presentations of Short Attention Spans Theatre 😂
I can only do the audio. The visuals are tooooo distracting and chaotic.
I was not brought up in a bad or a good way. I'd said we lived as good people. I save spent most of this sunday watching your videos and found them more than I personally can take on. So much more to learn about all sides of lives, I believe I just started mine.
Jesus never died,!!
Just think about it. Now why would Government want to hide these findings? Especially finding of such great and biblical importance? There’s one fallen angel in the Bible who hates Jesus, and vows to do anything to corrupt humanity, and erase the Bible’s teachings from existence. SATAN!!! It is also told that Satan would wage war on the followers of Jesus Christ. In today’s world,what entity has power over our nation? And most other nations as well. And the power to write new laws, and erase old ones? THE GOVERNMENT. The only way to influence nations, is through the power of the Government. Perhaps they have already been taken over?? Why else would casinos and liquor stores be open during the pandemic, and ALL CHURCHES WERE FORCED TO CLOSE!!! Think it through people!! We’re in a bad position!!! And Jesus is the only way out of it.
It is already mantioned in Holy Quran
Now who can deny that Holy Quran is wrong or islam is not the last and true relgion ❤❤❤
Cristianity is also a relgion
But if you read 150 year old or older bible you can clearly see that bible is changed you can try by yourself read todays bible and then read older bible atleast 150 or more years old you can find not 1 not 2 you will find to many things which change which remove from the new bible just try this and also do this thing with quran you will found out which relgion is truth❤❤❤
Amazing guys what a incredible story Which these people say that jesus is god/lord just simple question how god can die how the most powerful can die how the one who create death is getting death so plz open your eyes the god is allah look bro god cant die jesus is the mesenger of god and bible is changes read todays bible and then buy a 150 year old or older bible telly them that you know and also do this with Holy Quran you will find out the answer❤❤
Aren’t you mispronouncing the name Sinai, please look it up on google. I spent 8 years being educated in a Christian school and we pronounced Sinai exactly the same way that google does.
God hardened the Pharaohs heart, so much for freewill.
Have you ever heard of New York? I'm sure we can all agree this is a real place, regardless of your religion or lack of religion, but does this prove the existence of Spiderman? Consider this, a Spiderman comic is discovered 2000+ years from now, in the comic are stories about an ancient place called New York. Archeological digs find that places such as The Statue Of Liberty, and The Empire State Building were real, these places are also mentioned with pictures in the comic book, does this mean that Spiderman is real? Of course not, Spiderman is what us called "folklore" and that is simply a fictional character and/or events happening in real places. It would be like me writing the story of Abraham Lincoln but in my version he fires lasers from his eyes, and rides around on a dragon. We would find tons of evidence for the existence of Abraham Lincoln, but no evidence of the dragon and eye lasers. It is therefore illogical to believe the events of the bible are anything more than folklore until proven otherwise.
Everybody is gonna pay for their own sinns no 1 person can pay for others sinns so start facicing reality and stop dreaming
Soo powerful ,may GOD BLESS US ALL
Here is some meat. Who was the ruler of Egypt at the time of Moses? You have to match it with archeologist time line of the kings. How long they ruled And who was the rulers. I can tell you. The ten commandments movie got it wrong.
Amazing, thanks
You mean tut Moses.
He was from Egypt
Great video but you're wrong about two things…. Jesus is a prophet of God. Not God himself, and Jesus didn't die on the cross. God took him away to heaven directly without dying. To this day he is alive but in Heaven and will be brought back to earth to save us from the anti christ
I would just like to point out that God did not tell him to strike the rock. He told him to speak to the rock. Because of this sin that Moses committed against God by not following his word precisely, he was not permitted access into the promised land. This is why it's important for us all to know what the Bible truly says. There is clearly a difference between speaking and striking!
Wonderful Joe
OK the pyramids in Eqypt for grain I can see that but what about the pyramids all over the world???✝️🙏❤️
The Red Sea is about 5000 ft deep but where the Israelites crossed is only about 900ft deep.
A man and woman from Europe found these
The water wall that is not realistic Moses must have waited for a time where the sea receded to cause a tsunami then got most of every living person across the sea before the tsunami came over blocking the path and they had to take immediate action to get to the high ground.
This brought me to my knees. Amen
Thank you for being recollective, you make us feel filled with joy
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