Strange Weather

SantaBomb Alert! Weird Weather Watch is ON! for 1/2 of America Now through 2014

We’ve got a SantaBomb binary double low pressure on the East Coast all along the Atlantic & an atmospheric river low pressure system hitting the West Pacific Coast are of the USA, plus a plunging Jet Stream that will freeze the middle of central America.

This will be in rolling waves and rounds.

The following excerpts are from Accuweather.

“A storm bearing strong winds, heavy snow, torrential rain, thunderstorms and fog will converge on the Northeast and Midwest on Christmas Eve and will likely create major travel delays, both on the roads and at airports.
The early stages of travel problems from patchy rain and fog will develop on Tuesday. The most widespread travel disruptions and the worst weather conditions in terms of windswept rain and travel-impairing snow will be centered on Christmas Eve.

Problems due to snow and wind will continue in the Upper Midwest and central Appalachians into Christmas Day.

Drenching Rain to Raise Flooding Risk in Northeast
For many people traveling by ground and air, rain will be an inconvenience. However, enough rain can fall at times to cause poor visibility and increase the risk of hydroplaning for those traveling at highway speeds.
Excess water on the roads will reduce the braking action and increase the distance required between vehicles in an emergency situation.
Heavy rainfall in the Midwest will tend to be spotty, but as the storm moves northward on Christmas Eve, heavy rain will become widespread progressing through the mid-Atlantic and New England.

According to AccuWeather Senior Meteorologist Henry Margusity, “We are concerned about rapidly melting snow, combined with heavy rain leading to a stream and river flooding situation in northern New England.”

Strong Winds Could be a Snag for Airline Passengers
One of the most common causes of flight delays is strong winds, especially where they blow perpendicular to runways.
Gusty winds blowing from the south and east may lead to flight delays in the mid-Atlantic, New England and eastern Great Lakes region Tuesday night and Wednesday.
Increasing winds from the west and northwest may cause similar problems throughout the Midwest on Christmas Eve with the risk expanding to the mid-Atlantic and Northeast on Christmas Day.
The strongest winds are likely in New England Wednesday into Wednesday night, when gusts could reach 60 mph along the coast and over mountains across the interior. Gusts could approach 50 mph around New York City Wednesday into Wednesday evening.
These strong winds can also lead to coastal flooding from the coast of New Jersey all the way up the coast of Maine.
This can result in flooded roadways and properties located along the immediate coast.
Turbulence during and in the wake of the storm could be a problem on some flights.

Strong Thunderstorms May Affect the South
The storm system may become strong enough to produce drenching and gusty thunderstorms in the Deep South.
The concern for these thunderstorms is greatest from eastern Louisiana and Mississippi to Florida and South Carolina. meteorologists will be monitoring the potential for the risk to expand to the eastern Carolinas on Wednesday.

Snow to Create Hazardous Travel in Midwest, Appalachians and Ohio Valley
While much of the South, mid-Atlantic and New England will be spared travel problems from snow with this storm, significant travel delays and dangers will develop in the Midwest and perhaps the Appalachians from Christmas Eve through Christmas Day.
The greatest risk of an all-out snowstorm is over a part of Michigan and central Ontario.
It is during the transition to colder air following rain, when the greatest dangers for travelers may develop farther south.
While not a huge amount of snow is forecast for the Ohio Valley states, the lower Great Lakes and central Appalachians with the storm itself, snow showers or a quick burst of snow could lead to a rapid covering of snow on the highways.
From parts of Illinois, Kentucky and lower Michigan, eastward to western Pennsylvania, western New York and West Virginia, motorists should be prepared for rapidly changing weather conditions on Christmas Eve. This could occur during the day over the Midwest and toward the central Appalachians as temperatures fall.

A storm bearing strong winds, heavy snow, torrential rain, thunderstorms and fog will converge on the Northeast and Midwest on Christmas Eve and will likely create major travel delays, both on the roads and at airports.
The early stages of travel problems from patchy rain and fog will develop on Tuesday. The most widespread travel disruptions and the worst weather conditions in terms of windswept rain and travel-impairing snow will be centered on Christmas Eve.”

God Bless Everyone,

T or @NewThor on Twitter


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Alessandrino Josie December 21, 2014 at 4:29 am

thank you for this video

JoL™ December 21, 2014 at 4:38 am

two lows doesn't make a high! but two girls and one guy will make everything alright! ….grew up watching them too.

Kitty Kat December 21, 2014 at 5:05 am

Your so funny but you know what your talking about lol I love your videos

violeman December 21, 2014 at 6:12 am

American Weather is going to be, 
Hard & Wet, Hard & Wet , With Lots Of Penetration with much more wet !!!  😛
Thanks 4 Sharing Bro !!!

Julia76087 December 21, 2014 at 6:33 am

thank you Thor! 🙂

Awesomeness5458 December 21, 2014 at 6:41 am

You mean thru 2015 right? Your going backwards man.

Truthsets Youfree December 21, 2014 at 7:24 am


Firstname Lastname December 21, 2014 at 7:26 am

1. i think you are super hilarious. you are intelligent, dorky, random, witty, and just plain bizarre. bizarre rocks.
2. i think when you're just trying to share info you learned, just share it instead of filling video time with a blast of related or unrelated pictures. sometimes i find it funny actually, sometimes i guess i personally just would rather be able to comprehend some of the pictures at least because some of the really quick ones that flash past really catch my eye. i guess i'm a subscriber who listens to you because your funny, but i also am an experienced and more "serious" internet truth-seeker. i'm also an opinionated filmmaker.
3. fuck that accuweather guy. lows rotate counterclockwise. they higher low is pulling northern artic air DOWN INTO the other low, and that one is pulling cold moisture UP INTO the other low, making lots of cold things happen. like a high five of burrrrr….
4. drive safe yall. if you remember that other drivers will drive like idiots in shit weather, than you won't be an idiot yourself. 
5. looks like i'm gonna be rained on like a mother fucker (northwesterner here).

Truthsets Youfree December 21, 2014 at 7:27 am

4:25 uh oh there is a TEAR in the BEAR.

Jeremy Mastroianni December 21, 2014 at 7:28 am

I would believe this, if only it had more random website screen grabs fashing faster 🙂

TheWu727 December 21, 2014 at 9:04 am

Finally, A WuTang storm xD

Astral Traveler December 21, 2014 at 11:02 am

Jet Stream? What Jet Stream? There's no such thing anymore….:P

Kenneth Clark December 21, 2014 at 1:19 pm

what the hell is that black bar coming out of the sun???????? can you tell me. good video

wanderinghawk3 December 21, 2014 at 1:19 pm

We are getting extreme geoeffective activity…….. buoys blinking in Tokyo, west coast EQ's, 6.6 Indonesia, not to mention all the lava oozing out all over the world! Buckle up kids this ride is about to get really bumpy…….I hope everyone is prepared to weather this storm without electricity;)

Mr Watson December 21, 2014 at 1:33 pm

earth wobble, you're drunk. go home.

death strike December 21, 2014 at 1:40 pm

My wife loooooves a 3 part quiickie. Thor you rock (literaly) if I was still living in Whitehouse Tx. I would so come hang out. Your the perfect example of never judge a book by its cover because you are undiniabely the "swank of science digest", if they have a science digest, they may not but they should. I do know they have a swank though, don't judge me, and any and all books by their cover. Go quickies.

Scott Pickens December 21, 2014 at 4:00 pm

Damn I'm gonna get hit up by the wu-tang storm.

James Jensen December 21, 2014 at 5:46 pm

You're a good reporter, you provide excellent information I don't know what you know about what's going on these are the last days my friend New Jerusalem fast on the way here the holy city already hovering over Savannah Georgia Mary Magdalene the Lord's name is Enki he is the Son that six-pointed Sun also you know that twin carbon star Nibiru is right over our heads heaven is here 3 days the christmassacre people are so let about by the nose and brainwashed anyway the Lords also Aquarius posiden Neptune many other names the American Indians are his children and there's some of us scattered all around everywhere else anyway anyway to you from the Scorpio they that call on the name of the Lord shall be saved out of a pure heart of course anyway hope to see you at the wedding of the Lamb sincerely James the less arms wide open the Scorpio

Pootersmasher December 21, 2014 at 11:27 pm

gosh I almost went to a TYT video those guys suck donkey balls

michael davis December 22, 2014 at 1:33 am

yep……wus Love Joy doin ???

Elle Pendleton December 22, 2014 at 3:15 pm

"Rapid Fire"… Loved it!  (had to watch it twice)

Jeanne Morgan December 22, 2014 at 7:03 pm

Double penetrating hahaha….hard to avoid it, we are screwed

Jeanne Morgan December 22, 2014 at 7:05 pm

But for the earth sure is a wobbling these day, will you please make a video about the sun raising and setting so far south, I am in pa, can anyone else see its wrong?

toddNdogs December 23, 2014 at 12:38 am

Congrats on getting the Reed Richard shout-out on S0 channel.  I hope that nets you some new subs.  I hope you do a video on the Observatory meet-n-greet.  That would be good considering nobody has yet.  I wonder tho, if someday u r so popular and the Weather Channel wants you to do a segment will you put on a suit and tie if it meant a huge boost to your channel?  I would even tho I hate the mainstream cuz u could slip in some Thorisms that would catch everybody off guard thereby getting the word out.

kuna burger December 23, 2014 at 1:03 am

it is weird how my local news is really downplaying the weather..hold on to your hats and prepare..and a Merry Christmas to you Thor:)) love that water vapor shot..very strange

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