Ring cam Catches UFO Lowering Alien Pod, 7-23-2023, Florida, UFO Sighting News.



Date of sighting: 7-23-2023
Location of sighting: Port St Lucie, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON 

This just in a few minutes ago. A persons ringcam caught something odd, a green glowing UFO dropping off a giant droplet with an alien inside it. The giant droplet looks to be about 1 meter tall and slowly drops and vanishes as it hits the ground. Clearly this is a UFO dropping off an alien entity which then is transported safely 4-5 miles below the ground to the awaiting alien base. Can you see the face inside the alien pod? It’s so detailed. From the expression on the persons face, I see the person is very nervous about this process of transporting to the underground base. This is 100% proof that intelligent aliens do exist and are already living on Earth. 

Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: Two domes seemed to lower this head into my bush before both domes disappeared. It showed up on my ring video. I have the video clip.


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