Research Initiatives Presentation, Dr. Deborah Frincke, Director, NSA/CSS Research Directorate, 22 December 2016


In 2016, Dr. Deborah Frincke, Director, NSA/CSS Research Directorate, created this Top Secret PowerPoint presentation about “research initiates” within the NSA.

Although released in early 2018, there were many redactions. However, in August of 2021, The Black Vault filed a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) case to have the record reviewed again. It was a success, having some (not all) of the redactions lifted. The result was the release of initiative details that include machine learning, stealth science, projected research outcomes, and more.

Below, you will find the release, but also a highlighted release showing what information was declassified for this MDR case.

Document Archive

Research Initiatives Presentation, Dr. Deborah Frincke, Director, NSA/CSS Research Directorate, 22 December 2016 [11 Pages, 5MB]

Research Initiatives Presentation, Dr. Deborah Frincke, Director, NSA/CSS Research Directorate, 22 December 2016 – Highlighted Version [11 Pages, 5MB]


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