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Recreating The Volcanic Eruption That Led To The Dark Ages | Catastrophe | Timeline

A devastating volcanic eruption in A.D. 535 leads to the emergence of new nations and religions.

Written records from China, Italy, Palestine and many other countries suggest a huge catastrophe blighted the world in 536AD. But the cause of it has been uncertain.

Was it a comet? An asteroid? A volcano? Archaeologist David Keys reveals the latter is to blame for the Dark Ages of famine and plague that shaped the world order of today.

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Timeline - World History Documentaries February 6, 2021 at 9:35 am

"It's like Netflix, but for history documentaries" —–> Sign up to History Hit with code 'timeline' for a huge discount!

cunard61 May 17, 2022 at 5:11 am

This makes you wonder if the climate change we're experiencing today with global warming will end up being corrected by a massive eruption that brings on the next ice age. We haven't really had a BIG eruption since Tambora in 1815. A lot of these historic volcanos are long overdue for a massive eruption.

juanita camacho May 19, 2022 at 4:03 am

Ibwould think that the Bible mentiones 7 yrs of famine. Wasn't someone decypher a dream to Egyps Faro?? Is that the same dreadful even?

Kevin K May 19, 2022 at 1:39 pm

Ironic that the importation of massive amounts of ivory is what brought the infected flea at the time.

Marcia Benson May 20, 2022 at 7:24 pm

Nature is in a way a living thing itself, it is a part of nature that living things are purged. Some become extinct while others survive and rebuild. Who can say why?

patrIcia malone May 23, 2022 at 11:53 am

I live in Utah, so whichever explosion takes place, either Yellowstone or in New Mexico, then we are toast.

bjdon99 May 24, 2022 at 6:05 pm

I have been trying to date when this was created. From the computers everyone who is working on this has in their offices, I would guess that this is late 1990s/ early 2000s film? Before flat screens became a thing?

Zuki Power May 29, 2022 at 5:57 am

2,000 million!!! How come this so called scientist just didn't say 2 billion. Regardless, that's has to be a remarkable exaggeration. That seems like earth would resemble deathstar being destroyed

mike woodley May 29, 2022 at 1:28 pm

The Mayan collapse ties with the proposed 535 AD Indonesian eruption. There was a worldwide impact.

mike woodley May 30, 2022 at 12:47 am

The Mayans experienced starvation then as well

MagnetOnlyMotors June 1, 2022 at 7:33 pm

Very interesting .

Make it-Take it June 2, 2022 at 10:30 am

I'm sure it didn't freeze anything along the equator.

Thomas Salois June 4, 2022 at 2:43 pm

Imagine all of this happening from one stupid volcano

HighStimulation June 5, 2022 at 12:57 am

two thousand-million? you mean 2 billion.

HighStimulation June 5, 2022 at 1:23 am

couldn't hire Asian actors to play Asians?

Dov BarLeib June 6, 2022 at 8:17 pm

So the Dark Ages started literally with Darkness!

Dov BarLeib June 6, 2022 at 8:28 pm

But Muhammad was probably a Nabatean born in Petra who moved to Mecca.

Alicia Alfonso June 7, 2022 at 3:23 pm

i guess that's why they called it the dark ages, it was dark.

Bob Frezno June 7, 2022 at 6:51 pm

Where is all the carbon from that time? Here we are worried that the planet can't handle a fraction of a tenth of a percentage point of carbon when the planet can totally absorb an amount of carbon that should have ended existence as we know it. People are so stupid, where did they think all the oil they've been extracting offshore comes from, dinosaur bones? It comes from atmospheric carbon, CO2 and H2O, remove the 'O's and you have C's and H's, oil is just chains of C's and H's duh!

Christine Ervin June 8, 2022 at 8:57 pm

To summarize the Avars horses were starving so they lost to the Turks riding cows then rode starving horses across Asia in a few years during a nuclear winter to arrive in Hungary. (Huns leaving fermented honey for their enemies so they couldn’t fight only hallucinate.) The Romans didn’t spread the disease they received it as the Ivory trade passed through the Red Sea BEFORE the Mediterranean. Maybe the earth was protesting about what it was to endure. For I proclaim when the Kraken is released the Angel shall sound her Trumpet. This land was torn in two. Sumatra(Sumer/Shamesh/Saturn/Saten) Java(Jahova,Joppa, Jovien, Jupiter, Lucifer) Sunda straight( Asunder, Sun) So when the Kracken awakens it is akin to Mother Earth stubbing her toe in protest. The Canaanites/Phonetians/Lost Tribe (those were saying a thing is lost are the ones trying to hide that thing, Trumpet blast of the Kraken, Crackin’) sailed all over the world spreading their demonic religion of human sacrifice, changing words, substituting words, spreading lies and deception everywhere they went. As for the Aztecs people will not be angry at the leaders for failing to appease God they would simply move away they wouldn’t risk their lives in revolting. Maybe they were tired of endless human sacrificing akin to the endless cycle of abortions never to wonder where have the millions of aborted babies have gone? 1815 the Trumpet again sounded ushering in 100 years of war and the Athiest Revolution culminating in Fatima and WWI.

Mark Wandrey June 10, 2022 at 12:48 am

A Krakatoa level event now would kill at least a billion people, maybe more.

sookendestroy1 June 10, 2022 at 9:46 am

You know its interesting, earlier in 2022 a massive eruption occured over towards sumatra and this year has had some dramatic weather. Were seeing the dryest season yet in the US midwest, the pacific isnt having a summer so far etc.

Bruce Cycles June 11, 2022 at 4:51 am

Stuped background sound.

Catch'n Cook June 11, 2022 at 9:43 am

Here lies the answer to global warming unfortunately

John London June 11, 2022 at 10:23 pm

It's a bit distracting that they keep referring to the Byzantine Empire as the Roman Empire, but other than that very interesting documentary!

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