Comments on: Predictions from Canada’s Edgar Cayce Exploring The Unknown Sat, 13 May 2023 10:17:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Cheryl White Sat, 13 May 2023 10:17:48 +0000 ]]> Anyone who thinks that Joe Biden, or the actor/clown playing him has wisdom, needs their head examined. And Putin isn’t the bad guy Edward makes him out to be. He is fighting the Deep State Khazarian Mafia for crying out loud! This isn’t Stalin’s Russia! This Edward Casey is out in left field. I had to stop watching this it was so awful!🤢

By: Mickey Lee Bluebird Sat, 29 Apr 2023 22:11:13 +0000 Thanks, for having Douglas on. I always take the time to pay attention to what he's sharing. I'm sure a lot of what he is saying is how a lot of us also feel. It's confirmation. Years ago, I saw a show which was probably NOVA on PBS about pole shifts. It was so interesting it stuck with me. New Madrid has been on my mind too. I've got a lot of questions. Am wondering about an EMP or another virus. Would love to know his thoughts on the upcoming solar eclipses. The remaining part of the "X' over America is happening next year on April 8th. The first part was in 2017. We have another one this October 14th that starts near Texas & moves towards the NE. Maybe, near you Richard. Actually, maybe both cross your path. We now know Biden is running again. Would like to ask him about Turkey's Erdogan. Had a dream about him years ago. China & Russia merging will probably happen. Yes, I do see the American dollar & the US overall no longer being the big dog in the dog park. It's unsettling. Got a list of things to do but it seems time is moving faster. It's odd. Hope you'll have Douglas on again soon. Thank you, Richard & thank you for being open to everyone's opinion.

By: Alexis Martinez Sat, 29 Apr 2023 02:47:51 +0000 Does anyone know this guys track record. Is he pretty accurate what percentage of accuracy that he predicts Come true.

By: Lumi Essence ◇ Sat, 29 Apr 2023 02:46:25 +0000 😂🤪<br>Biden's the primary reason the US is in the horrendous state it's in. Then again, it's not accidental, so depending on perspective, I suppose you could say he's been a massive success. <br>Here's a question: What happened to the latest Biden whistleblower who's conveniently gone missing?]]> He predicted Queen Elizabeth would pass the crown to Charles?
Were there some who thought she was immortal?
I don't know that Putin is digging his heels in & gearing for a nuclear war… why would he? He's winning, and more Ukrainians are dying, 7:1.
The USA (establishment/ military industrial complex) instigated & is needlessly dragging this war out for its own gain & agendas.

Biden's wisdom? 🤣😂🤪
Biden's the primary reason the US is in the horrendous state it's in. Then again, it's not accidental, so depending on perspective, I suppose you could say he's been a massive success.
Here's a question: What happened to the latest Biden whistleblower who's conveniently gone missing?

By: Jorge Contreras Fri, 28 Apr 2023 23:41:41 +0000 Absolutely no bias here lol

By: J Welch Fri, 28 Apr 2023 22:46:11 +0000 Im sorry but this guy is way off according scott ritter and douglas McGregor Ukraine is being decimated! Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on the planet! Why do i feel like this guy is a major lefty!?!? On his predictions hes stretching out pretty far!!! Sounds a little snake oily to me!!!

By: marsmotion Fri, 28 Apr 2023 14:10:59 +0000 amazing how cottrell always lines up with liberal and nato propaganda…either ignorance or willful deception…frankly i dont care which anymore. common sense and some good opensource research are far better than his predictions and far less biased. and his hit ratio is bs btw…fluff no substance…like all predictors these days. stop predicting people the flux is too much atm. anyone says they can predict now is whistling dixi in a hurricane

By: oztiks1 Thu, 27 Apr 2023 21:36:31 +0000 Wow
..a transbullshitto…73 years of bs . Amazing.I love this show…so please stop giving these types of idiot liars air time .

By: Momzilla Thu, 27 Apr 2023 20:09:00 +0000 Hi Richard, Just wanted to let you know I gave this show a Thumbs Up. Then the A. then went onto the next show,
totally bypassing your show on Flat Earth Theory which was next in line.
Didn't like that so I back up one page, to this show so I could choose my Next Show,
and my Thumbs Up had disappeared.
Keep plugging Richard!

By: ufojimmy Thu, 27 Apr 2023 15:15:54 +0000 ,🛸, there already here, they just want ur 👻soul😅]]> OMG 😲 ,🛸, there already here, they just want ur 👻soul😅
