Orbs Fly Close To Passenger Jet, Dallas, TX 7-3-2022, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: 7-3-2022
Location of sighting: Dallas, Texas, USA

Now here is an interesting new video from an eyewitness. The person was flying on a passenger jet when they were filming themselves and the view and accidentally caught some unusual lights that seem to move forward toward the aircraft. The video is short, they didn’t see the object until reviewing the video, but still interning and though provoking footage. I have been on my passenger jets flying to over 12 different countries and I know for a fact that these are not lights reflecting from the overhead area for reading. So reflection is ruled out. Still the objects seem to move forward, as if they see that someone in the aircraft was holding up a camera and they wanted to be seen. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: Me and my family live in Dayton, Ohio. On 7/03/2022 we flew out of Cincinnati and around 10:47 am, my son and I were preparing to land in Dallas, Texas for a layover to connect to our final flight to SNA airport in Santa Anna, California. My son had the window seat but said that looking out was giving him a headache. We took a video to send to our family and friends that we were going to visit that we almost had one flight down, one to go. I reached my phone over my son to get a glimpse of the clouds during the video, but was not physically looking due to me being in the aisle seat. I just reached my phone over my son. I never fully watched the video until late on 11/11/2022, and my phone had died once we landed, so the video was never sent. We ended up just plugging in our phones and calling as I recall. When I did watch the video all the way through I was shocked to find 3 objects or orbs outside the plane window. Throughout last night, 11/11/22, my husband, son, and I tried to debunk this. I decided to send a report because I’m still unsure. There appears to be a trail on one object, a fast descend from the top object, and change in direction. My flash was not on, and I can’t imagine what this could be.

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