Orb Over Longmont, Colorado Dec 18, 2021, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 18, 2021

Location of sighting: Longmont, Colorado, USA

Source: MUFON

What looks like a quiet small UFO is actually very special. This is one of the famous glowing orb UFOs in Colorado. They have been witnessed by thousands of people and gov officials in Colorado, so this is one very special report. I have heard so much about them, police, mayors witnessing them and this video actually has one moving slowly over the city of Longmont, Colorado. It’s certainly taking its sweet time and I love that it is, because it’s gives us a better view of it, its movement, its color, it’s orb shape. This alien pilot either didn’t know he was uncloaked or just didn’t care. Most often recorded over Denver near the Rocky mountains, this UFO may be heading to that mountain range where I believe an alien base sits 6km below its surface. There even seems to be a window area at the front of it when I put the screenshot into negative formate and add light. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: We were taping the sunset and when we watched it we say the strange light and say that it moved kinda weird. We always watch the jets, but this was definitely not a jet. We have a video of it and it is very interesting. We would like to have your opinion. If you watch it it appears and hovers.Then it moves up.


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