NRO Releases Previously Unseen Corona Satellite Related Videos


These videos were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) from the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). They have never been released to the public before.

In the interviews, the identities are unknown in most cases. If anyone can add who the individuals are, please CONTACT The Black Vault.

Released Videos

[ .zip File of ALL 10 Videos Below, As Released by the NRO – 5.72GB File Size ]

Metamorphosis: Corona Satellite Operation in the 1960s, Presentation by Lt. Col. David Arnold, PhD

Catch a Falling Star

Honoring the Corona Pioneers, May 24, 1995

Discovery / Corona – 1st You Don’t Succeed

Corona Interview #1

Corona Interview #2 (Part 2 of the above)

Corona Interview #3

Corona Interview #4 – Colonel Frank S. Buzard

Corona Interview #5 – Colonel Frank S. Buzard (Part 2 of the above)

Corona Interview #6

FOIA Release Letter

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