Newly Released Document Reveals Index of UFO Cases at the Pentagon’s AARO

The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), the Pentagon’s UFO investigation office, has released a list of UFO / UAP cases under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The document, obtained by The Black Vault through a FOIA request filed on 6 December 2022, contains 511 six-digit case serial numbers, representing the cases analyzed, being analyzed, or archived at AARO.

Although the information disclosed in the document is extremely minimal, it paves the way for further FOIA requests by The Black Vault and provides a glimpse into the work done by AARO and its organizational structure. The list does not include crucial details such as dates, times, or locations of the events, nor does it indicate whether the cases remain unidentified.

The number of cases listed in the index reflects close to the number revealed in the 2022 UAP report, indicating that from the 30 August 2022 data cut-off point as indicated in the report, to the 6 December 2022 data cut-off point of the list released under the FOIA, AARO logged one additional case worthy of cataloguing:

AARO, the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, was established to investigate, analyze, and assess UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) incidents and reports. The office’s primary goal is to determine any potential threats these phenomena may pose to national security, as well as to identify their origin and nature. Despite the limited information released in the document, it highlights the fact that the Pentagon is actively addressing the UFO / UAP issue.

The Black Vault will utilize the case serial numbers to file new FOIA requests in pursuit of additional details regarding specific cases. While the lack of information may be disheartening, the release of the document is a small, but positive step toward greater transparency and understanding of UAP encounters and how investigations of those are handled.

As new information is uncovered and released, the public’s understanding of these mysterious phenomena will hopefully continue to grow. In the meantime, researchers and enthusiasts are left to speculate about the full contents of the 511 cases listed as everyone awaits further disclosure.


Newly Released Document Reveals Index of UFO Cases at the Pentagon’s AARO [3 Pages, 1.5MB]

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