Comments on: Never Let a "Weather Event" Go to Waste Exploring The Unknown Sun, 22 May 2022 23:54:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Keith Dunbar Sun, 22 May 2022 23:54:46 +0000 Inflation raises the costs to build, and the cost to rebuild, therefore these costs will increase……..daaaaaa.

By: Keith Dunbar Sun, 22 May 2022 23:53:39 +0000 Common sense tells us that they only way the earth could have provided enough plant growth to feed millions of creatures weighing 50 or more tons is solely because CO2 levels were up to 15 times higher then as to what they are now.

By: dks13827 Tue, 10 May 2022 14:32:56 +0000 Congrats on your failings. The WORLD IS NOW ALL IN ON GLOBAL WARMING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NICE JOB.

By: Steven Cook Mon, 09 May 2022 17:33:28 +0000 Every weather event is not because of climate change for the most part. Many of these weather events, like wildfires or tornadoes or hurricanes and/or tropical cyclones in general or even blizzards, have been going on for thousands, even millions of years or so. For example, wildfires have been happening for over 400 million years now, and they will continue to occur for millions, billions, maybe even trillions of years from now, if Earth is still around, which is likely. Wildfires on our planet, including here in New Mexico, are nothing new to our planet. So, no matter what the climate change is, global warming or global cooling, the latter of which we are currently in right now, weather events, including extreme weather events such as tornadoes or tropical cyclones or blizzards or wildfires, all of them will occur. They've been going on for millennia and eons now, and have happened even during some of the warmest and coldest periods of our planet's history, and they will continue to occur for millennia and eons to come. I'm mean yeah, tornadoes or tropical cyclones or blizzards or wildfires are horrible events that cause destruction or death to humans and animals, which is horrible, though the global death toll from these extreme weather events have declined dramatically over the last century and many of these extreme weather events have been declining in rate and severity in recent years and decades. But, these weather events are unfortunately part of the natural cycle of our planet and they have been going on for millions or billions of years now. They have nothing to do with us humans nor do they have anything to do with animals as well. Extreme weather events, as horrible as they are, are part of the natural cycle of our planet that have been occurring for millions or billions of years now, and they will continue to occur for millions or even billions of years from now, or maybe even further into the future than that. And it's like that on other planets throughout the galaxy and our universe too because they have extreme weather events too, I'm sure.

By: Able Windsor Mon, 09 May 2022 04:18:55 +0000 Shorter IS NOT Better….

By: Able Windsor Mon, 09 May 2022 04:12:50 +0000 Data IS Hate Speech !!!

By: Leon Hostad Sun, 08 May 2022 09:35:42 +0000 Climate change has NOTHING to do with CO2, it is down to the combined effect of the natural climate cycles such as the Schwabe, Hale, Yoshimura, Gleissberg, Velasco, Landscheidt and the De-Vries/Seuss cycles.

You combine the effects of those, and overlay them over the climate record of the last 250 years, and they match up almost perfectly.

By: rcmerrill1 Sat, 07 May 2022 17:22:07 +0000 Is Andy related to Fred?

By: Sketch Maker Sat, 07 May 2022 16:53:45 +0000 I graduated college in 1987. In high school and in college I had to write a number of reports on 'Man Made Global Cooling'. Before I graduated college in 1987 I did read reports about 'Man Made Global Warming' and they were written by the same alarmists who had been writing the 'Man Made Global Cooling' reports.

In the 'Cooling' reports the alarmists claimed mankind's use of fossil fuels was the cause of pollution in the upper atmosphere that they claimed was blocking out sunlight and causing the supposed cooling. Now, of course, the same alarmists are claiming the use of fossil fuels is the cause of extra CO2 which they claim is somehow trapping the heat. Both claims were complete scams that never had anything to do with science.

By: Sir Prancelot Sat, 07 May 2022 15:33:08 +0000 Excellent discussion. Thank you.
