Strange Weather

NASA Warns of Space Weather Chaos-Massive Explosion on the Moon-Catastrophic Events Sweep the Globe

A METEOR with the explosive power of TEN cruise missiles struck the Moon, sparking a massive explosion visible with the naked eye. Now NASA warns that the Earth may be next.

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Karen Skinner July 13, 2017 at 9:46 am

That was scary!!! I think I'll pass on breakfast today. (Nervous stomach!) But, although I believe it is smart to be prepared, I refuse to live my life in fear. Until that time comes, I'm going to enjoy it. Meditation can bring you closer to whatever higher power you believe in. Hopefully there is a higher power and we will be saved from the crimes of the greedy who have poisoned our water, air and land, put crap in our food that isn't meant for consumption….it is like they're TRYING to kill us! Just like the damn Georgia Guide stones. That crap pisses me off so da!n bad. This is the shadow government colluding with wealthy billionaires to make more money through imprisoning its people and going to war. Where is the dignity in that?. Milking the planet and its people for all they're worth just to crush us like bugs while they're in their billion dollar bunkers…. We will be suffering. There's GOT to be a better way, cuz this is crazy! Non stop wars with people that are just defending their land against us because we have wrongly occupied their land for oil & money, killed millions of their people over the past 15 years. Look at Mosul. They call it "liberated", I call it obliterated! This war machine is bad for America in so many ways. We are the terrorists now. Imagine another country bombing US for 15 years, busting in our homes, raping our women, kiling our kids?! It needs to end before the rest of the world teams up against us. Seriously. But, that's just my opinion, some would call crazy or dumb. I honestly don't care. We are ALL entitled to our own beliefs and I respect whatever others believe, although many times what they believe is due to misinformation, thanks to mainstream media. But I could be wrong.

Handlebarmustache July 13, 2017 at 10:28 am

No way an 88 pound asteroid hit the moon creating the largest blast NASA ever captured. There is much more to that explosion than what they are telling us, obviously. Hopefully it was the alliance blowing up a draco installation of some sort. Eff the draco.

Chainsaw Surgeon July 13, 2017 at 11:15 am

Would NASA lies to you ? Search, NASA FREE MASONS, also NASA WALT DISNEY.

MIZZ MOZE July 13, 2017 at 12:50 pm

welcome to new world order
Nasa is by NWO as well!! like the whole govt!

A L July 13, 2017 at 12:54 pm

sheeple still believe in "Not A Space Agency" or "Never A Straight Answer" nasa lies, earth is flat. only "space weather/wars" is project bluebeam, nothing to do with planets and other fake stuff. DYOR

Sandie Tigert July 13, 2017 at 1:01 pm

we've been seeing many of these things now for years….so, like a frog in the boiling pot, we grow numb and blind to how severe things are, and hate to say it this way, but many will find themselves in frog soup…..

Adrian Tidd July 13, 2017 at 1:05 pm

Here in Alexandria Bay NY, where I live it is very cool. This morning 60 with a very cool north wind, had to run the heat for 10 mins.

Mai Zimbleman July 13, 2017 at 5:41 pm

there is no such warning from NASA : Now NASA warns that the Earth may be next. "
The curious case of the warped Kuiper Belt
June 22, 2017
University of Arizona
The plane of the solar system is warped in the belt's outer reaches, signaling the presence of an unknown Mars-to-Earth-mass planetary object far beyond Pluto, according to new research.

An unknown, unseen "planetary mass object" may lurk in the outer reaches of our solar system, according to new research on the orbits of minor planets to be published in the Astronomical Journal. This object would be different from — and much closer than — the so-called Planet Nine, a planet whose existence yet awaits confirmation.

Source: University of Arizona
Original Study
Astrophysics > Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
The curiously warped mean plane of the Kuiper belt

SPARKY 1 July 14, 2017 at 3:16 am

Cool Dragon!

Roy Deese July 14, 2017 at 3:45 am

dang heat index over 100 everyday this week south Carolina cut yard today got over heated just now get back normal 11:44 pm 13th July

STaSHZILLA July 14, 2017 at 5:08 am

What is this so-called "planet X" is actually Project Bluebeam? There really is no planet but they will create the hologram as if it was coming to cause the chaos and enact martial law.

Vomit Impaler July 14, 2017 at 8:48 am

pfft dude in havasu its like121 now

A.G. N.W. July 14, 2017 at 12:09 pm

The flash of an impact of celestial body to the Moon comes from ELECTRIC DISCHARGE – as plasme sheets of the body/-ies glow, due to electrical curents flowing in space and through magnethic fields of the objects … On Earth it would thus burn quicker than hit the ground if it was that small. πŸ˜‰ So – our magnethic field and ionased athmosphere (with it's plasma …) can also protect us from such impacts. πŸ˜‰

phillip kalaveras July 15, 2017 at 8:43 am

A major CMP or EMP over the United States would cause the grid to shut down permanently. There will be no transportation and no means of communication, no TV, no radio, no cell phones, no Internet, no food or water distribution and no help will be on the way. I don't think people understand how serious this is and how easily it could happen. Mysteriously legislation to harden our electric grid never makes it through congress. Our press is completely useless, all they want to do is run in circles with their hair on fire and sling mud at President Trump and Putin.

It has been said the elites (Rothschild, Soros, etc) would like to see the earth's population drastically reduced. IF! they are behind the legislation repeatedly stalling…
WE ARE DOOMED! and the only question is when will they pull the trigger

jimbo- slice-604 July 15, 2017 at 10:35 am

#pray for bc

sunwarz July 15, 2017 at 5:41 pm

There is also record breaking cold waves as well, but why doesn't mainstream or Nada talk about that too? There is extreme weather in diverse places everywhere in the world! A real effect in both hot and cold is going on, record breaking snow cover or deep hail in normally tropical type places, and record breaking heat where it is normally cold like arctic type regions! Why does NASA and mainstream push the global warning agenda, its for profit, extreme is the norm, everywhere, even winds and tornadoes earthquakes volcanoes and meteor siteings, sink holes,gas explosions and factory explosions and fires and pipeline leaks, and water pollution and radiation in our atmosphere, infrastructure is breaking and falling apart, and all they do is patch it up , they ate not building any new ifrtructure, they are putting money somewhere else, and call it missing money that can't be accounted for, they create, foundations, and funnel money out of them too, they are putting all this effort somewhere, and they are not taking care of the people on the planet, they show little media clips now and then of how your money or tax dollars are helping children somewhere, or some other humanitarian deed, then we find out its all faked or only one little village was helped! We are never shown where all the moneys and tax dollars go? They are building a breakaway civilization, they know already what we are going to be experiencing in our near future, apparently, they know there is no sense building on the surface of the planet because they know it can't be saved, so save a few selected important people and keep the rest in the dark, so panic doesn't happen. If people knew, they couldn't build or maintain their secret projects and too many people would protest, why didn't you tell us?People would be a problem too there need to accomplish what they have planed or what they know is coming, a rougue planet, an asteroid impact, a ww3, a fake alien invasion, a pole shift or a planetary expansion event? What ever it is, its getting closer, and they still aren't telling us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth! They are criminals!

comactortony July 16, 2017 at 4:52 am

Heads up! A massive CME & ejection is headed our way & will be here Sat around 4-6pm

Primordial Beings July 16, 2017 at 11:39 am

Since some months ago I am observing the sun going to north, especially at the sunset.

So, in his last webinar (7 july) Alex Collier said that the sun going to north is a sign that the pole shift already began. It is more than 4 degrees to north. So, Earth's axis is already altered.

Nice video as always.

El Juanio July 16, 2017 at 7:30 pm

can some one tell me if this is really real is the moon goona be gone

Irrefutable Truth July 19, 2017 at 3:01 am

I don't care what I said about you last night…You're alright in my book.

MR T July 19, 2017 at 7:19 pm


Yolanda Mejica July 20, 2017 at 12:41 pm


tradin tdon July 27, 2017 at 2:27 am

Every property damaged will now be called a flood risk, for higher Insurance premiums,

eathealthier4u July 29, 2017 at 7:40 pm

Well, its all in how you present the facts isn't it. What causes wildfires? Dry vegetation. How do you get vegetation? Lots of rain (which we had records set in the Spring in AZ). We all knew that wildfires would be close to follow…because its hot here and the new vegetation dries out quickly until the monsoons.

eathealthier4u July 29, 2017 at 7:47 pm

Meteors from the Kuiper belt are travelling along with our solar system, and are not really a threat. Its the ones from outside like the one that hit the moon. We had a near miss in 2012 that came from ahead of the solar system, and came at us from behind the sun, if this had hit it would have been an ELE. And it missed us by 1/3 of the moons distance, nothing in terms of intersteller space. Its not a matter of if we get hit, its when. And I'm not sure our economies could withstand it. People in general are too dependent. And they keep they heads in the sand and pretend this stuff can't happen.

Morpheus Sandmann September 6, 2017 at 6:39 pm

This is an excellent report you are doing, thanks.

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