NASA Lies Again Announcing Formation of Committee To Investigate UFOs! UFO Sighting News.

 NASA was created on July 29, 1958 in order to hide the existence of aliens from the public. Yeah its different than you thought, but its 100% true. 

This week NASA announced that its assembling a team to research the possibility of UFOs existing. Thats like asking a lion to kindly watch over and protect your baby lamb for a few days while you are away. The truth is NASA will create the UFO committee the same way and purpose that NASA itself was created for…to hide the truth about the existence of aliens from the public, but all the while drop feeding worthless scientific facts to the public which is meant to appease the curiosity of the public. 

I can give you a list of ten astronauts who each say they saw a UFO and give you word for word what they say about it. So if you want to go and believe a fake committee that is being created to discredit and disinform the public about the truth, go right ahead. However for over 64 years NASA has lived up to its public nickname, Never A Straight Answer. 

There is one and only one way for the truth to come out. For the public to hunt it down, grab it, and drag it out into the public square for all to see (Social Media). Only the public can reveal the truth, only the public has the trust of other people. The other countries around the world lost trust in America after the fake moon landings to make the USA appear as a world power…which by the way, are listed as fakes in lots of student history books worldwide. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

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