More proof that ChatGPT is not truthful and does help the US go hold back alien info, UFO Sighting News.


UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY: More proof that ChatGPT is not truthful and does help the US go hold back alien info, UFO Sighting News.

More proof that ChatGPT is not truthful and does help the US go hold back alien info, UFO Sighting News.


Here is a screenshot of my conversation with ChatGPT. This is 100% proof that ChatGPT is corrupted by the US gov and is manipulated to only speak on subjects it allowed to by the US gov and its programers. This is exactly why Elon Musk wants to create ChatTruth, a bot without restrictions on telling the truth. With ChatGPT it’s like talking to a closed mind, like talking to your grandmother who is separated from you by many generations with a whole new belief system. It’s limited and clearly the US gov has a hand in it even now to control what it does, says and devolves about alien life to the world. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan


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