Source Truck news article:
I’m sure I’m not alone here. Others must be seeing this in the news media across the globe. 95% of all UFO media articles are now about how the US gov says “UFO evidence,” is actually wrong. That they are pushing an anti campaign of mental manipulation of the public in order to control their desire for the truth. This is something the US think tank must have come up with and yes, it always works to a high degree. Now that they are using social media, their efforts are now 1000X stronger with 10,000X more reach. This will intimidate actual eyewitnesses into not reporting what they saw and recorded.
Its basically the same as the 1950s repeating itself all over again, with claims that something seen is a weather balloon, Venus, Jupiter and oh…this is a new one…a truck in the middle of the ocean…never heard that one until today.
Just saying, don’t allow the gov to manipulate you. Think for yourself.
Scott C. Waring