John Lennon Talks About a UFO over New York, Aug 23, 1974, Video, UFO Sighting News.


UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY: John Lennon Talks About a UFO over New York, Aug 23, 1974, Video, UFO Sighting News.

John Lennon Talks About a UFO over New York, Aug 23, 1974, Video, UFO Sighting News.

 On August 23rd, 1974 John Lennon walked out on to the balcony of his New York apartment, and witnessed what he later described as a “Flying Saucer” hovering closely, just above his window. Lennon’s girlfriend May Pang, also witnessed the event. Aliens do research, knowledge is the one of the most highly valued things for them, and many celebrities, singers, US presidents have had UFO sightings that they describe and were open to talk about on record. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan


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