I’ve Discovered An New Alien Species That Lives In Space! And Its Tiny, Space Station Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: April 12, 2022

Location of sighting: Space Station live cam

I want to introduce you to an alien species. Now I have watch the space station cam for about 15 years, reporting some of the more interesting sightings, but letting go of the less interesting ones. During this whole time, once every few weeks something strange would happen when the space station entered the dark side of earth…small creatures would begin swarming around in front of the camera. It was clear to me that these objects were alive, and my old partner (RIP) Streetcap1 agreed with me on it. But we never really talked about it, except with each other.  It seemed impossible to prove, but I think it’s time we try. NASA would of course dismiss it as glitches, since they are in denial mode. 

Things about this species. 

1. Colors are usually solid, but sometimes one makes a different color trail behind it. 

2. Colors are usually red, blue, green, or white. 

3. They very in shape, size, but are about .5cm long.

4. They swarm, meaning they are in groups, like gnats in a park. 

5. Their speed is incredibly fast, so fast, most humans would ignore them. 

6. They seem to be either chasing food, or mating. 

Russian astronauts already reported finding giant plankton living and thriving on the space stations solar panels…which NASA said may have come from the ocean. Of course they did not, they came from space! Thats how they got to Earth in the first place. These creatures, are similar to plankton, but much smaller at .5cm being the biggest. And they glow so that they can find each other, similar to deep sea fish, shrimp, and jellyfish that glow to both hunt and find each other. 

I will call these organisms Firegnats, which are similar to fireflies on earth, which also create their own glow. In the video below, I slowed the speed by 10X so that they are easier to see, however, being so small, its best to make it full screen. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

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