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If These 13 Moments Weren't Caught on Camera, No One Would Believe It

10 Moments You Wouldn’t Believe If They Weren’t Recorded!
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Every day something strange happens to us, sometimes it’s so frequent, or so insignificant that you might not notice it. But some moments are so insane that we need pictures and videos to explain what went down. Now get ready to check out some insane moments that if they weren’t caught on camera, no one would believe it…

#caught #on #camera #dam #moments #ddoi


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Jaime Patino November 7, 2021 at 10:31 pm

International Version
Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD.

Julian November 16, 2021 at 2:31 pm

I will never feel safe walking on the sidewalk again.

Chris Bassett November 18, 2021 at 6:41 am

good on the taxi driver, those incident restore my faith in humanity, but sorry man lightning can strike the same place more than once

Sharron Denice November 27, 2021 at 10:59 pm

6:57 hmmmmm at the pronunciation of “Isaiah”

hi November 29, 2021 at 8:30 pm

i thought that those girls died bruh

TheRjjrjjr December 1, 2021 at 6:11 pm

Well, China is taking over YouTube as well! ow I KNOW I have some other place to watch videos, I don't give a rats butt about China!

L.J. Turner December 2, 2021 at 4:02 pm

That exact scenario happened in my city but the poor woman in the car didn't make it. I'm convinced after 72 years that if it's not your time, you ain't goin.

Aqua Fyre December 5, 2021 at 7:05 am

I wonder what happened to the guy standing on the umbrella ?

Sam Abeka December 8, 2021 at 5:27 pm

The Mumbai flood is proof that India has no idol for delivering them from water,or do they ? Funny how there should be a god for everything, even for the cows !÷

C M December 10, 2021 at 2:33 pm

Stop taking a still photo and moving it around. Ugh, so annoying.

The Duder December 12, 2021 at 9:52 am

WREAKED havoc. Not ranked havoc. The inability to utilize correct wording in a planned out script is the first unacceptable problem with this channel. Then next is the absolutely pointless and rather stupid manipulation of still photographs.
If these sorts of channels focused on good content more than they focus on narrators and cheesy phrases, imagine how many would not be clicking "do not recommend channel".
Another faceless void in the realm of shock video channels and poorly worded scripts.

Slim WantedMan December 22, 2021 at 10:15 am

What is the point of your floating pictures. Thumbs down on this video.

roni bark December 28, 2021 at 3:56 pm

The Cumbre Vieja volcanic ridge on the Spanish island of La Palma, part of the Canary Islands, located some 70 miles off the coast of Morocco, in northwest Africa, has been spewing lava since the 19th of September. The eruption has now continued for more than 50 days with no signs of abating. Already, it has destroyed more than 2,600 buildings, cut the coastal highway, and formed a new peninsula. The lava has also destroyed the town of Todoque, and the fuming flow has reached the town of La Laguna. This eruption has already caused more damage than any eruption on La Palma since records began, and it shows no sign of fading. There is a way to stop eruptions, or at least mitigate them significantly, and it has nothing to do with how we treat the earth, and everything to do with how we treat each other.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, floods, and gigantic fires have all been growing more frequent and intense over the past several decades. But the forces that set them off are not related to the phenomena themselves, but to the human species, which intensifies them and causes them to erupt more frequently and fervently.

Earth’s ecosystem is built like a pyramid. Its base is the inanimate level, the land masses and oceans that cover the planet. The next level is the flora, the plants that cover the earth, followed by the fauna, the animal kingdom, and at the top of the pyramid is humankind.

The forces that govern the planet stretch from the top down. Like a hurricane, the eye of the storm is the least turbulent, but generates the mighty winds and torrents that surround it and destroy everything they touch. We are the eye of the storm. Our subtle but sinister intentions toward each other create the mayhem unfolding around us. It is therefore we, and only we who can calm the storm, for its engine is within us. Until we switch it off, the planet will keep burning.

Nature is not only trees, animals, clouds, the earth, and the universe. Nature is first and foremost a force that fills all of reality. We exist within it and influence it through our conduct. When we, the top of the pyramid, conduct ourselves positively, we have a positive influence on all of nature. When we conduct ourselves negatively, this is the influence we have on everything.

The pyramid-like structure of nature permeates all levels, including our thoughts and intentions. Therefore, when we spoil our intentions toward each other, the blight spreads downward like a cancer sending out its malignant metastases. If we want a calmer Earth and a kinder climate, we needn’t focus on carbon emissions or plastic waste. These will be fixed when we fix the top of the pyramid, the eye of the storm, namely our negative relation toward each other…

RJB December 29, 2021 at 3:14 pm

Love pronunciation of ISIS.🙃

emma mcdonald December 29, 2021 at 4:21 pm

worst video ive ever watched dont see why ya have to have the picture wobbling, stuid thing to do

G3NTL3 December 29, 2021 at 8:51 pm

Over population people! The cause of all problems.

Rebecca Schmidt January 3, 2022 at 5:00 pm

Why are all these things all in China ??

Maggie Long January 3, 2022 at 9:09 pm

The pictures don't really need to wiggle while I'm trying to look at them. That said, I enjoyed everything else about the video.

Icarus Binns January 4, 2022 at 9:44 am

When my sister drove cross-country on a trip to Ontario, she was in Nebraska, realized that… the clouds had a weird green cast. So she turned off the podcast she had playing and turned on the radio, right as the emergency signal was honking. And sure enough, “Funnel has been spotted by these three counties…” She doesn’t know where she is! Until she looks out her passenger-side window. And there’s the funnel! She was certain she said a few curse words, and then sounds that sure weren’t words! When she got to the nearest town, she was still shaking, and realized that… mountain folk cannot handle tornados! Didn’t help that her car had been thrashed by a highly-unusual hailstorm at home and looked like a golfball. (Of the windscreen, she said, “These aren’t a few ‘stars’, Dad! These are f***ing nebulas!”)

Vegastattooed January 10, 2022 at 1:59 am

Awesome video but the still pictures wobble way to much. I know it's an effect but to much. Nice videos though.

Carla Balbacal January 10, 2022 at 11:03 am

Taal Volcano eruption cancelled our classes for almost a month. My grandma says that it last erupted when she was at the age of 7. It shooked the ground numerous times per day, we even thought a tsunami is gonna occur.

Thomas Bacon January 18, 2022 at 10:53 pm

Those two shoplifters caught in the store would have been able to just walk out with all their booty had they been in San Francisco. The only people who would have been arrested would have been the cops for trying to stop them.

stevelwall99 January 20, 2022 at 6:11 pm

Waving the picture around? Screw that, I'm not watching that crap!

B February 3, 2022 at 4:10 am

Lol the saying lightning 🌩 never strikes the Same place twice is dead wrong 🤣 it hits the exact same place constantly idiots

S.AwesomenesS February 7, 2022 at 2:02 pm

Most mentioned country CHINA

Linda Plieskatt February 17, 2022 at 12:25 am

why aren't doctors telling you to take a homeopathic approach instead of taking their drugs that they push on you? because big Pharma is making too much money off you being sick! down with big Pharma! and they have made tons of millions of dollars on this covid crap!

Vanessa Greene February 18, 2022 at 3:20 am

Boy if they were black those white azz cops would’ve killed them

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