Strange Weather

Hurricane Hilary & Top Weirdest Weather Phenomena

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In a rare event, Hurricane Hilary hit the west coast, leaving parts of the desert covered in water. Although it was weaker than what was originally thought, some areas of California got more rain in two days than what they would normally see in a whole year. On the same day, an earthquake hit LA and created the term โ€œhurriquake.โ€ Now, another tropical storm, Harold, has hit Texas. With the Maui fires and a weird pattern of strange weather all over the world, is this really just a result of climate change?

Could weather manipulation like HAARP technology be a part of disasters? How is China working on its own weather modification program? What would be the motivation behind controlling the weather anyway? In other weird news, Ben and Rob found what might be the most substantial Bigfoot video they have seen yet. Join this Edge of Wonder live show as they go deeper into the weird weather the world is experiencing, plus a Rise.TV-exclusive Q&A and a meditation/prayer.

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William Benner August 23, 2023 at 2:11 am

Of course all of the so called "Climate Change" lines up with Bible Prophecy. Earthquakes, droughts, massive volcano activity, huge hail and on and on. As we near the Last Days, these conditions will increase. You absolutely right, it is all about control. This is both controlling human activity and our population.

cole dines August 23, 2023 at 10:47 am

Fire hurricane in Hawaii, now a film firenado about to come out

cole dines August 23, 2023 at 10:48 am

Fire hurricane in Hawaii, now a film firenado about to come out

matthew Broad August 23, 2023 at 11:11 am

Did I just hear an absolute growth moment from Ben! WOW! God bless you boys and your loved ones. As an old fart,
been watching you two grow into good men from before youtube got weird. Glad you're back.

L H August 24, 2023 at 1:49 am

See this video โ€” explains a lotโ€” This is all the Evidence we Need, โ€”- on James Kaddis channel, 20 minutes. Regarding weather manipulation. Very concise and to the point. Maybe you can interview him.

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