Strange Weather

How Sid Meier's Civilization Conceives of History (and why it's weird) | Ben Cattle

I’m fairly certain Sid Meier’s isn’t a 19th century Imperialist British historian but, well, all I’m saying is that you should consider the evidence for yourself. Today we’re going to learn all about history through the most historically accurate Gandhi simulator.

[1] Jared Diamond. Guns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everyone for the Last 13,000 Years (Vintage, 1997).

[2] The City – a History, Part 1, In Our Time, BBC Radio 4.

[3] Richard Muir. How to Read a Village (Ebury Press, 2007).

[4] E.P. Thompson. The Making of the English Working Class (Penguin, 1968), p.13.

[5] Mary Beard. Civilizations: How do we Look, The Eye of Faith (Profile Books, 2018). (If you have access to the BBC you can watch the show here )


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melrakan April 2, 2020 at 12:20 pm

Diamond really isn't worth reading. Hack author whose work is considered to be unsupported hogwash by most historians, anthropologists etc.

Brushfire22 April 2, 2020 at 1:43 pm

Very interesting video. Thanks!

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