Hey I Just Got Verified On Truth Social Today, Wow! UFO Sighting News. #truthsocial



Hey guess what? I got verified today on President Trumps app Truth Social. If you didn’t know, I have been on Twitter @scottcwaring since 2009 and have tried over a dozen times to get verified. But because I supported Trump back when he was president, Twitter ignored my requests. If you didn’t know…I’m a USAF vet living and working as a teacher in Taiwan. At the time Trump was president, the Chinese sent many ships and aircraft our way into our boarders. Trump sent may ships including aircraft carriers and even a few nuclear submarines loaded with ballistic nuclear missiles. I thanked Trump for his kindness he did to the Taiwan people. But on Twitter, that is the fastest way to get blackballed. I get it, but I decided to go check out Truth Social. As it turns out, its pretty cool if you want to talk politics or any viral topic like the Will Smith slap. So, if you ever get on Truth Social, stop in and say hey to a friend. But I will still be on Twitter so maybe see you there too. Hmmm…I’m pretty sure I’m the first UFO researcher in the world to get verified on Truth Social.

Scott C. Waring


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