Comments on: Heatwaves, water shortage, storms – why extreme weather is becoming more frequent | DW News Exploring The Unknown Mon, 14 Aug 2023 10:44:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mike Rpipher Mon, 14 Aug 2023 10:44:23 +0000 Get a grip! You should read the Bible, as everything that has & will happen is addressed in God's Word! Right now we are in the "Beginning of Sorrows" some versions call this time 'Birth Pangs' {either way, it started about 40 years ago!} These 'Sorrows' will continue to increase as the time for Jesus' Second Advent comes closer…
Your best 'bet' is to "Learn the TRUTH…Read Your Bible" It contains the ONLY truth in this world LtT><>

By: Phil Dev Mon, 14 Aug 2023 09:51:31 +0000 If you can't sweat you'll die.

By: Burnout minion Fri, 04 Aug 2023 08:49:17 +0000 The world is coming to an end.

By: Agent66 Thu, 03 Aug 2023 08:05:14 +0000 hot weather in the summer time? who would have ever guessed.
The only constant in Earths climate is constant change.

By: philip mc donagh Sun, 30 Jul 2023 22:01:22 +0000 It looks like they got it wrong the temperature rise seems to be exponential not logarithmic.

By: keldpede Sun, 30 Jul 2023 07:50:37 +0000 It is impossible to avoid 1.5 degrees. The carbon released WILL give this effect. We MIGHT be able to avoid 2.5 degrees.

By: 阿B老爸, Daddy's Bebe Sat, 29 Jul 2023 08:06:25 +0000 India only the poor die first. The rich live 24hours in aircon environment

By: Jay Sat, 29 Jul 2023 03:27:43 +0000 Earth Will be to hot to live on in 10 years or less

By: Douglas Engle Fri, 28 Jul 2023 19:00:22 +0000 The biggest known political and money grabbing known scam is that noncondensing greenhouse gasses are causing global warming, which is impossible because earth's greenhouse effect is held in heavy saturation by the strong greenhouse gas water vapor to add 10°F (5.55°C) to earth's average temperature. Reading the back pages of the nearly 200 page United Nation's IPCC science report it is stated clearly they took their greenhouse gas samples at 20 THOUSAND meters altitude far into the stratosphere where water vapor is near zero and greenhouse gasses are not considered active. Any science interested high school educate person in the USA should have learned that earth's greenhouse effect takes place within 20 meters of the surface due to the strong greenhouse gas water vapor. After 20 meters from the surface all the inferred electromagnetic radiation from the surface, which is the greenhouse energy, that can loosely interact with the lumpy electrostatic fields of greenhouse gas molecules is considered to have been completely absorbed. There is no more greenhouse energy left to interact with greenhouse gas molecules. Its further heat transfer is by convection i.e. molecules bumping into each other. 

Stating human caused carbon dioxide emissions are causing global warming is a simple scam once you read the back pages of the IPCC science report. All further supporting reports only need to be loosely based on that 20,000 meter altitude data to simply be classified as non relevant rather than criminal fraud, which is the intend of crimes being made under legal console. Scams don't typically result in prison terms and are very difficult to prosecute. Scams are intensionally misleading, but since careful reading will reveal them as such, it is really a lack of adult caution in accepting them.  

For anybody that was paying attention to general science news in the 1980s and followed global warming they known that global warming was reported at 1.1°C in 1991 and then was stated to have paused in the early 1990s in late 1994, after rising at 2/10°C per decade during the 1980s. Global warming actually went down during the 1990s then recovered to be reported at 1.1°C in 2022. You have to be young enough not to have lived the global warming of the 1980s to believe the world is in a climate crisis in 2023 when it is at the same level of global warming reported in 1991. Global warming has been around 1°C for the past thirty years may not seem to be a pressing issue allowing baseless scams of diverting research into it not seem to be threatening mankind, but it has caused huge damage to science careers and people taking action on obvious misinformation that noncondensing greenhouse gasses can change earth's greenhouse effect held in heavy saturation by the strong greenhouse gas water vapor and can't be changed by other greenhouse gasses.

By: Raquel Fri, 28 Jul 2023 10:49:43 +0000 There is… NO SUCH THING AS CLIMATE CHANGE. CHEMTRAILS! Why isnt this stopped??
