Guys Ringcam Catches Bigfoot Outside His House! Feb 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News



Date of sighting: Feb 12, 2022, 4:30AM
Location of sighting: Sumter, Florida, USA

A persons Ringcam caught something odd in the early hours of the morning, at 4:30AM. The eyewitness claims he caught the legendary Bigfoot also known as Sasquatch. The Florida areas do have a lot of strange creatures in its swamps and Bigfoot sightings have occurred there a few times. I have long believed that Bigfoot was just an alien species that landed its UFO on Earth to walk through our beautiful forests and mountains. I really think this is the famous Bigfoot. And it seems to frequent this area, since the eyewitness has posted about 7 short Ringcam videos of this creature. This is undeniable proof that not only does Bigfoot exist…but he exists in Florida!

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 


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