Glowing Orb Over Homes At Benecia, California 6-29-2022, Video! UFO Sighting News.



Date of sighting: 6-29-2022

Location of sighting: Benecia, California, USA

Source: Email send reports to scwaring@yahoo.com

Eyewitness states: 

Standing in my garage side door I was practicing CE5 with a green laser, put it down and began to use my red laser with 3 long dashes at a prominent star when out of the corner of my eye to my left an Orb materializes out of nowhere. It begins a path from West to East, crossing the “prominent star” I was signaling to. I see no Navigational lights, didn’t expect to since I saw it materialize before me. So I reach for my binoculars to examine it more and see no Nav. lights, just a glowing Orb. Conflicted as time is of the eseense I can call my wife to view or grab my Syonix Aurora Sport Infrared Camera beside me and try to film it so I chose the latter. Grabbed my camera, (which I would have had it set up but it was foggy and didn’t look like it would be a good evening for filming), and began filming but am struggling, reaching for my glasses so I can see what I’m filming through the monocle. Once I get my glasses on the film shaking eases up and I can settle on the object as it traverses from East to West just before losing it in the fog and below/beyond my neighbors roofline. I then take the camera and retrace the path of the ORB back to it’s original manisfestation place in my night sky. The film will show what I have written here.


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