Five White Orbs Over Bronx, New York May 10, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.



Date of sighting: May 10, 2022
Location of sighting: Bronx, New York, USA

Email report: scwaring@yahoo.com 

Hey this raw footage is mind blowing. An eyewitness on May 10th caught sight of five glowing orbs for a few minutes and sent in some footage to me today. These objects are visible for a little bit, but then fade off and disappear at different times. For a sighting like this to happen I would think a lot more videos of this would be appearing on the Internet, but this seems to be the first of them. Hopefully, more will follow. There are 1.47 million people living in the Bronx, so there has to be more footage on the way. If so, then this is 100% proof that aliens are trying to wake the world up to their existence. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 


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