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Fish Rain – Strange Phenomena in Nature | World General Knowledge | Interesting GK with subtitles

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Riddler (formerly GK with Anon) presents “Fish Rain”. There are several mysteries in the world that are difficult to believe. One of such is the fish rain. Many scientists have done a lot of research on this, according to which it is discovered that such incidents occurred due to waterspout or tornado. When a tornado crosses the sea or ocean, then it gets converted into a severe storm of water. Fishes present on the surface of the water, or fish near the sea, even frogs, turtles, and crabs are drawn with the wind itself above the sky.

Because of tornado light things moves up into the sky, as it is activated on the surface of the water and pulls the lighted creatures upwards. These creatures fly along with the tornado and then remain in the sky until the speed of wind decreases. When the speed of the wind gradually decreases, then all the things baffled and thus the creatures fall with rainwater.

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